British Isles
If an alien happened to land its UFO in the car park of your local Tesco sometime in the next few weeks and popped in for something to eat, would it have any idea if it…
You may remember that in January around a million people – including many thousands of students and young people – demonstrated on the streets of Paris against their government's proposals to redefine traditional marriage to include…
A primary school teacher faced disciplinary action because she didn’t want to read to her class from a storybook about gay penguins. The teacher, who has not been named, works in a school in a London…
The Faith in Conflict conference, which brought together representatives from across the country last week, is a 'marker for the future of the church', participants in the event have said. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby,…
Lichfield Diocese's director of ordinands, the Reverend David Newsome, is upbeat about the increase in young people training to be a priest. The number of young people accepted for training for Church of England ministry reached…
In his most significant political intervention since taking office, the Most Rev Justin Welby has warned that “children and families will pay the price” if plans to change the benefits system go ahead in their current…