British Isles
Christians will join a Campaign Against Climate Change march in London on 1 Dec that starts at the US Embassy. The US consistently rejects the Kyoto protocol and is still the biggest immediate barrier to effective…
Over the past decade, Saudi Arabia has been the largest source of donations from Islamic states and royal families to British universities, much of which has been to the study of Islam, the Middle East and…
Elections for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) will take place next Thursday across England and Wales. They are described as the biggest policing shake-up for 50 years. For the first time ever an individual will be…
Sometimes we wait the best part of a lifetime for God to lead us into a particular calling and sometimes He grabs the reins and puts everything into top gear. Justine Welby (soon to be Archbishop…
The Government has dropped its plans to hold a public consultation on whether women seeking an abortion should be offered independent counselling. Health Minister Anna Soubry announced, last week, that the Government ‘did not intend to…
Barclays and Coutts have announced that they will withdraw their support for Stonewall's Awards event unless the homosexual campaign group drops the 'Bigot of the Year' category. Coutts and Co stated: ‘We have advised Stonewall that…