British Isles
Hundreds of activists across the UK are signing up to a new Jubilee for Justice call for countries afflicted by debt. In addition, more than 200 faith leaders have so far shown their support by signing…
Laws originally designed to protect basic freedoms are instead being used to strip British society of its Christian foundations while upholding the rights of minorities. The warning, from a prominent Church of England bishop, comes as…
Internet pornography is “warping” children’s understanding of sex and leading them to mimic “aggressive, harmful and dangerous” behaviour, Esther Rantzen has warned. Miss Rantzen, the founder of ChildLine, says the number of youngsters ringing the helpline…
Christians must not only serve the hungry and homeless in practical ways, but speak out against the economic injustice behind their poverty, says the head of Church Action on Poverty (CAP). Writing in the September edition…
Three-quarters of girls who have sent explicit images to boys on their mobiles say the pictures were shared without their consent, a shock survey has found. The NSPCC warned yesterday that growing numbers of girls become…
Pioneer minister Sean Stillman will be hitting the road next month to tell other Christians about his experience of mission on the margins. Stillman has spent the last 25 years on the road engaged in pioneering…