British Isles
Andrea Minichiello Williams spoke to the General Synod today (6 Feb), challenging the Church of England to take a stand for traditional marriage before it is too late. Urging the Presidents of the Synod (the two…
The umbrella organisation pulling together evangelistic efforts for the London 2012 Olympics has just embarked on its last church training tour before the big event begins in just a few months. More than Gold's nine-week tour…
Christians from across the Midlands descended on Coventry Cathedral last Saturday for a special event to alert Christians to the increasing secularisation of Britain, and discrimination against those who stand up for orthodox beliefs in public…
Graham Kendrick is calling Christian men in the UK to stand together in prayer and praise this month. He will be leading CVM's Prayer and Praise day in Market Harborough Evangelical Church on February 25. He…
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has told a group of Christians in Bath not to make any claims which state or imply that, by receiving their prayer, people could be physically healed, reports Christian Concern for…
Newspapers should not be allowed to print pictures of women that would not be shown on pre-watershed television an inquiry into press standards was told. Four groups challenged the objectification of women by the media and…