British Isles
Girls wanting to become Guides, Brownies or Rainbows currently promise to ‘love’ God when signing up to the 101-year-old organisation. However, the association is considering reviewing the wording of its affirmation for new members, to remove…
On Sunday 27th November 2011 at 3pm Church leaders from the Methodist, United Reformed and Anglican Churches in Cumbria will sign an historic ecumenical Declaration of Intent. Supported by the other five main Christian denominations in…
More and more soldiers are returning from Afghanistan suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Many are not coping and are drinking heavily, in some cases leading to violence and wife-beating. Many have suicidal thoughts. Thisis…
A new report out from Premier Christian Media warns of a ‘strong bias’ against Christians in British public life. The media group’s report is based upon consecutive polls it has commissioned in recent years to gauge…
Liverpool has become the first city in the UK to carry a homosexual rainbow emblem on some of its street signs, despite other councils banning Christian symbols. Liverpool City councillor, Nick Small said: ‘The new signs…
Tesco has sparked outrage after dropping its support for the Cancer Research ‘Race for Life’, and announcing shortly after that it would now become a headline sponsor of Britain’s largest gay festival. The supermarket giant has…