British Isles
The latest edition of ‘Keep The Faith’, a magazine for Britain's black Christian community, is focusing on the riots that swept through English cities during the summer. Writing in the latest edition David Cameron said faith…
An NHS report covering the Highlands, Argyll and Bute said poverty was the biggest issue with 53,000 people in poverty last year, see:- Elsewhere, across the British Isles poverty-stricken families are joining lengthening queues for…
Recent weeks have seen political party conferences debate environment, climate change, international development and the economy, the Olympics, Paralympics and the NHS. Within our Government God has placed many Christian MPs who consider it a duty…
The Christian Peoples Alliance is opposing attempts to ban prayers at local council meetings. Two councils in East Sussex have been warned that Christian prayers are ‘not part of their duties’. The warnings come despite Christian…
The Work and Pensions secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, urged the Prime Minister on Wednesday to recognise marriage in the tax system in an effort to encourage ‘couple formation’ and stable families, reports Christian Concern for our…
Last weekend thousands of people marched in Glasgow protesting against government cuts and calling for a just UK-wide economic policy. The People First rally brought together politicians from a range of parties, trade unionists and faith…