British Isles
An investigation into how Sharia courts are operating in the UK has been dropped after the inquiry faced ‘challenges to undertaking more robust research’, reports Christian Concern for our Nation. The Ministry of Justice probe was…
The equality commission’s commitment to protect religious liberty in the workplace has been put in doubt by one of its own commissioners. Angela Mason claims the commission will break its promise to support the principle of…
Christian ministry Agapé is set to unveil its vision for spiritual transformation in the UK this month. It is holding a celebration at the Broadway cinema in Nottingham on August 20 during which its new national…
More than 1,500 Quakers will gather in Canterbury next week for their annual meeting to discern the way ahead for Quakers in Britain. The eight-day programme for all ages will be a mix of worship, learning,…
On Wednesday 27th July disability rights campaigners staged a mock execution of a wheelchair user outside Parliament. The group, Distant Voices, is trying to publicise and reverse what it sees as the drift towards involuntary euthanasia.…
A recent survey has revealed that growing numbers of medical students are opposed to carrying out abortions. The study, published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, found that almost a third of students would not perform…