Over 500 people gathered at Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) church in London on 19 November to hear from ex-offenders, prison chaplains, and judges. HTB's pastor Nicky Gumbel also interviewed Rory Stewart, the prisons minister, who stated in August 2018 that if he couldn't reduce violence and drugs use in prisons in 12 months he would resign. With nine months to go on that commitment, Stewart said he still believes it's possible. He added, ‘I think Christians do have a very important and special role in dealing with prisoners - that's partly because of the centrality of prisoners in the Bible. We have to remember that St Paul was a prisoner, that many of the people that we admire most in our church, many of the early martyrs and saints, were prisoners; and that continues to be true today.’ The former diplomat finished by praising the work of community chaplains, who welcome ex-offenders into their church and society. He also said of his own faith, ‘I find it the most wonderful cornerstone of my life’.
Prisons minister speaks out about hope
Written by David Fletcher 23 Nov 2018
Additional Info
- Pray: that Mr Stewart’s faith will encourage him as he seeks to bring prisoners the message of hope. (Acts 5:21-23)
- More: www.premier.org.uk/News/UK/Govt-minister-says-Christians-have-the-power-to-transform-prisons
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