Archbishop Rowan Williams responds to Hawking

Written by Super User 21 Sep 2010

Belief in God is not about plugging a gap in explaining how one thing relates to another within the universe, the Archbishop of Canterbury said, responding to Professor Stephen Hawking’s assertion, in his new book, that there is no place for God in theories of the creation of the universe. Professor Hawking contends: ‘Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist’. Dr Williams told The Times that belief in God: ‘is the belief that there is an intelligent, living agent on whose activity everything depends for its existence. Physics on its own will not settle the question’. Former Bishop of Rochester, Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, said that it was right to ask where the laws of the universe came from. ‘As I understand him, the professor claims that gravity brought everything into existence. But again, where did that come from? On what was it acting? Nothing plus nothing cannot equal something.’ (See Prayer Alert 3610)

Pray: that the Church’s voice is strengthened and empowered to overcome doubting messages. (Job11:4)


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