Britain is no longer a free society

Written by Super User 05 Apr 2011

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali has warned that Britain is no longer a free society where conscience is respected. Speaking at the Christian Broadcasting Council’s annual conference, the bishop warned that ‘encroaching totalitarianism’ was threatening respect for conscience. ‘What we are facing is not a free society, but an ideology that is seeking to impose its views on us,’ he said. The bishop said that the secular worldview was undermining absolute respect for human life and amounted to an attack on the unborn child, the ill, the disabled, the elderly and the family. He said that respect for the unborn child had been eroded by the ‘demands of science’ and ‘huge commercial interests’, as well as a ‘relativistic’ worldview that cannot explain the dignity of the human person. ‘If you can dispense with a person at the earliest stage of life why not do it at the later stages. Or in between?’ he said.

Pray: that the secular worldview and its ideology would not be imposed upon our society. (Job.27:6)



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