Every seven seconds a person was referred for NHS mental health support in September. That comes as no surprise to Pastor Mick, a drug-dealer-turned-lifesaver during Covid, who each day meets people struggling to survive. In his 20s, Mick was a drug dealer consumed by cocaine and violence. He has now found faith and feeds the poor. His church in Burnley is expanding quickly - it has its own food and clothes banks. Mick also liaises with the police, housing organisations, the local council and drug rehabilitation services. He is particularly concerned about the lack of access to mental health care for the most vulnerable - people who find it difficult to see their GPs, let alone get access to a bed in a support facility. Mick blames the Covid lockdowns and the many months of restrictions. He hears stories of people who have spiralled down, turning to drugs and alcohol.
Lack of access to mental health care for the vulnerable
Written by David Fletcher 22 Dec 2021
Additional Info
- Pray: for God to bless and support Pastor Mick and all the other voluntary organisations reaching out to support the most vulnerable in our communities. (Luke 1:37)
- More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59651954
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