Christians at BBC urge Churches to speak out against World Service cuts

Written by Super User 17 Feb 2011

Christian trade union leaders in the National Union of Journalists (NUJ)and the media and entertainment union BECTU, working at the BBC, are calling on church leaders to intervene against the deep cuts imposed by the government on the BBC World Service, as part of the Comprehensive Spending Review. Analysis by the NUJ on the impact of the cuts was handed to the Archbishop of York, the Rt Rev Dr John Sentamu, during his visit to the BBC on Sunday. He pledged to raise the issue in the House of Lords. David Campanale is the NUJ Father of Chapel in the BBC World News TV and a director of the Christian aid agency Tearfund. He said the World Service plays a vital role in truth-telling around the world. He is looking to the churches to speak out against the cuts, which the unions say will deeply damage an internationally respected and successful broadcaster. (See also Prayer Alert 04-2011)

Pray: that Christians will speak out boldly and defend the reputation of the World Service. (1Tim.3:7)


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