A femicide census of men’s fatal violence against women during 2019 and 2020 found that, overall, men are killing one woman every three days in the UK. Between 8% and 12% of these killings were by strangers; all other femicide was by men who were current or former partners. These killings by a person known to the woman revealed appalling police failings. The organisation Counting Dead Women reported that the number of women killed by a male in 2021 is higher than the numbers in 2019 and 2020. They say this may increase when they receive responses to their FOI requests to the police. It remains unknown what is behind the increase, but the organisation will be paying close attention to intimate partner femicides and the role of separation. Despite acres of news coverage, politicians' statements, and tweaks to the laws, the femicide figures remain unchanged.
UK: femicide
Written by David Fletcher 24 Nov 2022
Additional Info
- Pray: for agencies, police and the justice systems to recognise the danger to women when domestic violence, abuse and separation violence are present in a relationship.( Ecclesiastes 3:17)
- More: www.femicidecensus.org/men-still-killing-one-woman-every-three-days-in-uk-we-need-deeds-not-words/