Churches that serve rural communities

Written by Super User 11 Nov 2010

Rural Presence is the new interactive website for Christians engaged in rural mission. It provides a forum for all Christians to share good news stories and information about the church in rural communities. The aim is to encourage and inspire mission and discipleship in rural churches. By sharing the wealth of ideas and practical approaches from churches around Britain it is hoped that an effective Christian presence can be promoted and sustained in the countryside. ‘This site offers an opportunity to share in all that is good and exciting about the rural church,’ said Rev Graham Jones, National Rural Officer for the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church. ‘Whether it’s setting up community cinemas or hosting local post offices, the opportunities for rural churches to serve their communities are endless. We want to resource, enthuse and inspire Christians to think differently about their ministry in the countryside.’ Experiences may be shared at where creative ideas can be found.

Pray: for the mission and work of rural churches and for their leaders. (Ac.16:5)


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