Fracking could alleviate suffering of poor people, says Church

Written by Super User 18 Aug 2013

The Church of England has criticised "blanket opposition" to fracking and called for a debate that takes the poor and less costly energy sources into consideration. In a statement on the issue, the Church said it did not have an official policy on hydraulic fracturing but suggested the pros and cons needed to be viewed through a wider lens. In particular, the Church suggested fracking could alleviate fuel poverty and the suffering of the poor. The Chair of the Church of England's group on Mission and Public Affairs, Philip Fletcher said "Fuel poverty is an increasingly urgent issue for many in society - the impact on energy bills is felt most by the least well off. Blanket opposition to further exploration for new sources of fuel fails to take into account those who suffer most when resources are scarce." However, the Church said that fracking should be properly regulated and steps taken to minimise the risks.

Pray: for a fair and balanced debate on the pros and cons of fracking that avoids melodramatic misinformation so that the nation can make an informed judgement. (Job 28:12)


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