Methodists gear up for Christmas giveaway

Written by Super User 15 Oct 2010

Shops are already stacking their shelves with Christmas cards and presents, hoping to make a profit from early-bird shoppers. But the Methodist Church is encouraging people to give a free gift to their friends and neighbours this Christmas. ‘A Gift of Christmas’ is a brand new booklet from the Methodist Church that celebrates and reflects on the story of Christmas. It includes Bible passages, stunning images from the Methodist Collection of Modern Art, prayers and reflections from a variety of authors, including John Byron, Valerie Collinson and Graham Kendrick. It’s the latest in a highly successful series that includes ‘A Gift of Peace’, which has already sold nearly 15,000 copies. ‘The birth of Christ is the greatest gift ever given to humankind and we want to celebrate Christmas by sharing that gift with others,’ said Deacon Eunice Attwood, Vice-President of the Methodist Conference and a contributor to the booklet.

Pray: for such initiatives to reach the many who do not fully know the Christmas story. (Ro.10:17)


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