OECD: Britain is the European capital of broken homes

Written by Super User 11 Aug 2010

An international report exposes Britain’s moral failure on family values. The study found we have the worst record on teenage pregnancy in Europe with more children living in one-parent families than any other European country. More of our single mothers are unemployed and on benefit than anywhere else on the continent, largely because we hand out so much in benefits. Britain’s rates for divorce and out-of-wedlock births are among the highest in the Western world, and our mothers are among the oldest, putting their health and that of their baby at risk. Critics said the UK is paying the price for its promotion of sex education to ever younger children and that, since the permissive society of the 1960s, so few value the institution of marriage. The OECD’s gloomy report is the first to highlight Britain’s poor record.

Pray: that your church’s voice is strong in persuading the nation that the family unit is the cornerstone of society. (Ps.119:130)

More: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1297268/Britain-European-capital-broken-homes.html?ITO=1490

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