Prime Minister urged to drop same-sex 'marriage' bill

Written by Super User 09 May 2013

Conservative MPs are calling on David Cameron to drop his sa me-sex ‘marriage’ plans in order to halt the progress of UKIP. According to The Times, the Prime Minister has been told that he must uphold traditional Conservative values to prevent core Conservatives from abandoning him for Nigel Farage. Former Defence Minister, Sir Gerald Howarth, said thathis constituents were ‘fed up to the back teeth’ with the Government’s failure to uphold its promises. He urged the Prime Minister to adopt a plan that would include ditching the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill, as well as taking Britain out ofthe European Convention on Human Rights and holding an EU referendum. Peter Bone, the Wellingborough MP, said that the government should scrap proposals to redefine marriage and cut overseas aid. He added: ‘those are things that Conservatives want and that’s what UKIP voters want’.

Pray: that following the recent elections and the pressure on the Prime Minister to drop the same sex bill that it will in fact be scrapped. (1Ki.8:45)



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