Born-again Christians whose adopted children have been taken into care say they are being persecuted for their religious beliefs by social workers. In one case, parents say social workers accused them of causing emotional abuse with their strict parenting methods, which included smacking a child’s hand and punishing children for swearing by putting soap on their lips. They claim they were described as ‘cult’ members by social workers despite their church following the Alpha Course, the dominant strand of evangelism in Britain, followed by 20m people worldwide, including the adventurer Bear Grylls. Andrea Williams, chief executive of the campaign group Christian Concern, said: ‘We are seeing a worrying trend whereby Christian parents are being treated with suspicion because of their faith’.
Children taken from born-again couple accused of being in a cult
Written by Super User 06 Feb 2015
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- Pray: that the authorities will have their eyes opened to God’s truth. (Ps.25:5)
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