Outreach to Muslims

Written by Linda Digby 09 Jul 2015
Outreach to Muslims

Horizons International, Frontiers, Mahabba and Marathana are just four of the many organisations God is using to develop Christian outreach initiatives into Muslim communities in the UK. God wants all the nations to know Christ, and He has brought thousands upon thousands of Muslims from a variety of nations to our doorstep in recent years. Now Christians are learning to interact and share their faith through friendship evangelism with these immigrants. Christians are learning through various teaching models how to empower their witness to Muslim neighbours, work colleagues, and fellow-students in schools. See also http://www.engagecourse.org/

Additional Info

  • Pray: that as people learn about the history and culture of Islam and the move of God among Muslims, they will be inspired to reach out to their neighbours through prayer and action. (Ro.10:14)