Northern Ireland takes further steps to tackle obesity

Written by Linda Digby 09 Jul 2015
Northern Ireland takes further steps to tackle obesity

Overweight and obesity are risk factors for many long-term health conditions and there are too many Northern Ireland people whose weight may contribute towards their ill health. On Monday Health Minister Simon Hamilton pledged to tackle obesity in Northern Ireland following the updated publication of 'A Fitter Future for All 2012-2022'. The steering group of the ten-year strategy for addressing obesity reviewed the outcomes after the first three years. Government departments, agencies, and partners will now promote the following: a) Child carers' attendance at ‘Nutrition Matters for the Early Years’ training will be a requirement for registration. b) Councils must have a play and leisure policy and action plans in place. c) Increased opportunities for play / physical activity for the young must be provided, particularly in deprived areas, and also workplace physical activity schemes.

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