Fracking: councils told to fast-track decisions

Written by Linda Digby 13 Aug 2015
Fracking: councils told to fast-track decisions

Fracking has transformed the energy market in the US but has caused untold damage through fracking-related earthquakes. In the UK the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is to issue a first wave of licences for fracking. They will grant exclusive rights to explore for gas in a number of less controversial areas across the UK. A second wave relating to regions close to national parks or areas of outstanding natural beauty will come later this year. Once licences have been granted, planning permission is still required from local authorities for specific sites, and this week councils were told they must meet targets to fast-track 'fracking' applications through the planning system or face decisions being taken out of their hands. The Government is now poised to issue a swathe of licences in hope of a shale energy boom across the United Kingdom.

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