The Mill Gathering Statement

Written by Linda Digby 20 Aug 2015
The Mill Gathering Statement

Back in January 2015, a number of leaders within the movement for prayer met together at the invitation of the World Prayer Centre - asking the question 'What is God saying to us in England at this time?' and 'what is our response?'.

We are reproducing the full text of the statement that came out of that gathering below:

We believe that God is preparing us for an unparalleled spiritual harvest. We also believe that there is going to be a great increase in turbulence and uncertainty as the Lord continues to shake the nations. He is calling us to mobilise prayer and be ready for action.

This is a time of awakening: a time when many will come to know Jesus and a time when many will come back to the church. This is not like anything we have experienced in our nations before. We know harvests don't just happen. They are preceded by long periods of preparation of the ground, the seed and the workers. Each of us will have a different role.

This is a time of great opportunity. Are we ready? Can we gather it in? Do we have enough capacity to cope with what is produced? Jesus warned that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few (Matthew 9: 36-38).

Therefore, we believe we must

Purify and humble ourselves - we are called to be a holy priesthood, spending time in God’s presence, listening attentively to Him. God is calling us into greater intimacy with Him – a worshipping, holy, dedicated people.

Prepare ourselves – for a new time – standing as a united army that is equipped to stand firm in faith and trust in God, faithful in prayer and ready to work for the harvest.

Proclaim Jesus - far and wide with great boldness, praying for His Kingdom to come.

It is time to pray - believing that our God really 'is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine' in our nations in these challenging times. We have identified five key prayer themes. We encourage persistent, regular prayer for many people and situations with each of these themes:

1. It is time to pray for God’s mercy to triumph over His judgment on us His church and on our nations. We have turned away from God and His values and guidelines. Lord, have mercy and help us to turn fully back to you (2 Chronicles 7.14; Luke 3:8).

2. It is time to pray for the whole church to awaken - for all of God’s people in every expression of church (Isaiah 60:1-4; Ephesians 5:14-16).

3. It is time to pray for the unity of all God’s people - so that the world may see Jesus in His church, as we love one another irrespective of creed, colour, culture and class (John 17:21; John 13:34-35).

4. It is time to pray for the release of God’s Word and Spirit - for a bold proclamation of the Word of God and a powerful move of His Spirit - in every believer, church, village, town and city (Luke 4:18-19).

5. It is time to pray for a revival generation - with a mighty move of God amongst our children and young people running together with the older generations (Joel 2:28; Luke 1:16-17).

We believe that God’s trumpet is being sounded in our lands - to mobilise His army, to call His people to pray, proclaiming the cross of Christ and that salvation is found in no other name but the name of Jesus.

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