Northern Ireland: Shooting, semtex, and Church plea for reconciliation

Written by Linda Digby 24 Sep 2015
Northern Ireland: Shooting, semtex, and Church plea for reconciliation

A 25-year-old man was shot in the leg in Belfast on 14 September. Sinn Féin MLA Pat Sheehan said, ‘This attack must be condemned by everyone. Those who carried it out are not doing it in the name of the local community who have rejected these groups. There is no justification for these attacks.’ Meanwhile, over half a kilo of Semtex, two handguns, 200+ rounds of ammunition and two detonators were discovered on the Ballymurphy Road in a terrorist activity investigation. A 45-year-old man was charged on Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, Irish Catholic and Protestant leaders united to urge politicians to take a ‘critical opportunity’ to restore hope, saying that a plan was needed to rebuild trust and advance the work of reconciliation. See also:

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  • Pray: for the streets of Belfast and all of Northern Ireland to be safe and free of terror. (Pr.3:6)