Sharia gender discrimination in UK

Written by Linda Digby 24 Sep 2015
Sharia gender discrimination in UK

Campaign group Equal and Free has launched a website highlighting the impact of sharia law on UK women. Sharia discriminates against women and girls, and the site carries true stories of women who have faced such discrimination. Although women from any faith tradition, or none, may suffer abuse and problems associated with dysfunctional families, the plight of those in Islamic communities is exacerbated by the application of established sharia law principles which inherently discriminate against women and girls. Forms of such discrimination include inequality in access to divorce (for men it is often effectively free and unconditional), polygamy (practised by men with multiple ‘wives’ and numerous children), discriminatory child custody policies and inheritance laws, and the implicit sanctioning of domestic violence. The online resource also explains and promotes a bill introduced by Baroness Cox, due to be debated in the House of Lords on 23 October, that seeks to tackle these challenges.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for David Cameron to honour his July promise to ‘keep up the pressure on cultural practices that can run directly counter to British values’ and to review sharia courts. (Ps.140:8)