Scotland: Scottish government plans new moves to tackle reoffending

Written by Linda Digby 02 Oct 2015
Scotland: Scottish government plans new moves to tackle reoffending

60% of those sentenced to less than three months in jail are reconvicted within a year. Under plans being revived by the Scottish government, minor offenders would receive community-based punishments rather than short jail terms and receive help for the causes of their offending behaviour, including drug or alcohol addictions or mental health issues. Justice Secretary Michael Matheson said that although crime levels are falling, Scotland has one of the highest prison populations per capita in Western Europe. Two-thirds of those jailed in Scotland receive terms of six months or less. Mr Matheson said evidence shows short-term prison sentences are ineffective in reducing reoffending. ‘Prison will always be the right place for serious offenders who should be punished appropriately. This isn't about being 'soft' or 'tough', it is about being 'smart' and acting on the clear evidence in front of us.’

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