Christian Tory MP Mark Pritchard has urged ministers in the UK Government to speak to their Israeli counterparts about reducing the number of attacks on Christian religious sites in Israel. He spoke out just months after the Church of the Multiplication on the Sea of Galilee was victim to an arson attack. Shortly after the blaze, Bishop Declan Lang said, ‘Attacking, desecrating and damaging any church or house of worship anywhere in the world is an inexcusable act. This is more so in the Holy Land that is home to followers of the three monotheistic traditions.’ There have been a number of attacks on Christian sites in recent years as well as a rise in anti-Christian graffiti.
MP calls for protection of Christian religious sites in Israel
Written by Linda Digby 23 Oct 2015
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- Pray: that the voices of David Cameron and Philip Hammond will be heard as they call for the protection of Christian sites and peace in the region. (Pr.15:23)
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