Russia now a UK national security threat

Written by Linda Digby 13 Nov 2015
Russia now a UK national security threat

Britain's security services published a new list of what they believe are the greatest threats to the country. International terrorism from IS and the threat of returning UK jihadists from Syria are among the top concerns and Russian aggression, in particular Putin's ‘willingness to display force’, has unnerved Britain's defence network, according to the security draft. The report, which will be released by David Cameron on 23 November, mentioned Russia's aggression in Ukraine and the country's soaring military budget as cause for worry. Britain's defence experts are also known to be concerned over Russia's increased involvement in the Middle East. Russia's increasing isolation in international politics (the G8 met last year as the G7, excluding President Putin from the table), increased military spending and apparent willingness to display force in the face of universal condemnation suggest the next five years could well see an escalation of the Russian threat to security.

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