Don't approach Synod as a place of suspicion and conflict

Written by Linda Digby 27 Nov 2015
Don't approach Synod as a place of suspicion and conflict

On Tuesday, at the beginning of the tenth Church of England General Synod, Archbishop Justin Welby used his presidential address to say he had two fears for the Synod. ‘If I might begin with the worst,’ he said, ‘it is that we approach this Synod as a place of suspicion and conflict. To use Pope Francis' phrase, we cannot come together in a “hermeneutic of conspiracy”’. The Archbishop said the system of Synod suggested one side must win and the other lose, but this was not the case. ‘If any lose, we all lose. If any win, we all win. The Church must not be ashamed that it has its arguments in public, it is healthy and good.’ He cited the Church's discussions on sexuality as a successful way Christians were able to discuss a controversial issue in a respectful way but he accepted the next five years of Synod offered 'enormous challenges to the future of the Church'.

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