Britain should ‘stop acting as a Christian country’

Written by Linda Digby 11 Dec 2015
Britain should ‘stop acting as a Christian country’

An inquiry into the place of religion in modern society, chaired by senior judge Baroness Butler-Sloss, has concluded that ‘Britain is no longer a Christian country and should stop acting as if it is.’ The report calls for British public life to be systematically de-Christianised, pointing to a decline in churchgoing and the rise of Islam and other faiths. It states that a ‘new settlement’ is needed for religion, giving more official influence to non-religious voices and those of non-Christian faiths. Thankfully Cabinet ministers called it ‘seriously misguided’ and the Church of England said it has been ‘hijacked’ by humanists. But the Church needs to stand and pray against some of the report’s suggestions such as abolishing the compulsory daily act of worship in school assemblies, cutting the number of Christian bishops in the Lords to give places to imams, rabbis and others, rethinking anti-terror policy, and ensuring students can voice radical views on campus without fear of being reported.

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