Fairtrade Easter eggs

Written by David Fletcher 12 Feb 2016
Fairtrade Easter eggs

Boys as young as ten are trafficked to perform the back-breaking and hazardous job of harvesting cocoa beans in West Africa. These beans are turned into the chocolate that we buy from local supermarkets. As Easter approaches, millions of chocolate Easter eggs will be sold which may have been made with cocoa beans picked by a trafficked child. Supermarkets have enormous buying power and influence, and STOP THE TRAFFIK are asking them to help end the trafficking of children by stocking more certified chocolate eggs - those stamped with the Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, or UTZ Certified mark. This certification shows that the chocolate has been made in monitored conditions that aim to prevent the trafficking of children. STOP THE TRAFFIK are asking us to visit local supermarkets and then report back in an online questionnaire what kind of Fairtrade Easter eggs they have in stock.

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