Watching and Praying over the UK's relationship with the EU

Written by Linda Digby 19 Feb 2016
Watching and Praying over the UK's relationship with the EU

The decision over whether we 'stay in' or 'leave' the European Union has the potential of bringing significant division into every area of our society in the UK. As the body of Christ we need to be on our guard in prayer over our families, churches, communities, businesses and governments asking that His kingdom will come and His will be done in and for the UK as well as for the rest of Europe. As we go to press the EU leaders’ summit is about to take place on 18 - 19 February . If there is agreement then David Cameron will be in a position to announce a referendum date and the Yes and No campaigns will start in earnest.
Now is the time to watch and pray over the next stage of the negotiations that are taking place between the UK and the rest of the EU nations.

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