Serving migrants in our midst

Written by Linda Digby 19 Feb 2016
Serving migrants in our midst

UK cities are taking in refugees, Birmingham has taken 50, but the need is enormous. Birmingham’s refugees are mostly Eritreans, Afghans, Sudanese and Iranians. Many need housing, all need friendship and support. People wanting to help don’t know how to get involved. Nabil came from Tunisia, heavily pregnant and with an 18-month-old daughter, no money and nowhere to stay, her husband had left her. She was desperate. An acquaintance put Nabil in touch with an Interserve partner who organised help and support - toys for the toddler, a solicitor appointment and a food parcel. Nabil broke down in tears. ‘No one has ever shown me love like this before, you are the sunshine in my darkness.’ The months ahead are likely to see unprecedented numbers of refugees arriving in our towns and cities. How we as a nation respond to the situation may decide the future of these desperate people. Pray for organisations like Interserve who are serving migrants in our midst.

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  • Pray: for the many people in our cities living in crisis, turned away from agencies because they are full; for our overloaded services to cope in 2016 and for God’s people to demonstrate love through action. (Dt.24:19)