London: anti-Trident rally tomorrow

Written by David Fletcher 26 Feb 2016
London: anti-Trident rally tomorrow

This year Parliament will decide on whether or not to replace Trident, the UK’s nuclear weapons system. The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) reported polls showing a majority of the public opposing Trident replacement. In recent weeks, the US Defence Secretary stated: ‘Nuclear submarines allow Britain to continue to play an enormous role on the global stage. It is important that its military power matches its standing, and we are very supportive of it. The UK’s submarine fleet contributes to the special relationship that Britain has with the US.’ Tomorrow the leaders of the Labour Party, Scottish National Party and Plaid Cymru will mount the same stage in Trafalgar Square to speak to tens of thousands of people who have signed up to attend a 'Stop Trident' rally organised by the CND. They argue that building a new, sustainable and post-nuclear Britain must take priority.

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