Peacemaking role of the UK Church in Sudan

Written by David Fletcher 04 Mar 2016
Peacemaking role of the UK Church in Sudan

On Monday Baroness Cox asked the Government what assessment they had made of the continuing offensives by the government of Sudan against civilians in Blue Nile and South Kordofan states. The Bishop of Leeds and the Bishop of Salisbury have particular links with Sudan and play a key role with its Anglican Episcopal Church as peacemakers, maintaining ministry and pastoral support on the ground in these areas. She asked the Government to put pressure on the Sudanese government regarding the illegal confiscation of church properties and oppression of Christians, especially in those two states. Pray for the important role that our faith communities play in other countries experiencing war. Pray for our Government to speak more boldly, alongside faith communities, in conversations with the Sudanese government. Pray that these conversations will succeed in enabling people to live freely and practise their faith freely.

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