Praying for Jehovah’s Witnesses

Written by David Fletcher 18 Mar 2016
Praying for Jehovah’s Witnesses

A knock on the door and an inconvenient visit are often our only encounters with Jehovah's Witnesses, but Jesus loves them deeply and unconditionally. Do we love them too? Though they identify themselves as ‘Christian,’ Witnesses are captive to many false teachings. For example, they deny the Trinity and the physical resurrection of Jesus, and base all doctrine on the Watchtower Society and the New World Translation of the Bible (not a scholarly or accurate translation). They teach that 144,000 will go to heaven to rule the earth, and those who remain will be resurrected to paradise on earth. They believe eternal life is based on their morality and faithfulness in witnessing to their beliefs. Many are increasingly being awakened to the Witnesses' control over their lives and eyes are being opened to doctrinal inconsistencies. However, embracing the Biblical Jesus and leaving the Witnesses results in a painful shunning from all community and family.

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