Britain in the EU and the migrant situation

Written by David Fletcher 18 Mar 2016
Britain in the EU and the migrant situation

The European Union was birthed to foster cooperation between countries to avoid another war. It has grown into a ‘single market’ for goods and people to move around as if the EU was a country with its own currency, its own parliament and setting rules on the environment, transport, consumer rights and things like mobile phone charges. Mr Cameron’s package of changes to the UK's EU membership will take effect immediately if we vote to remain in the EU. Changes include child benefit payments to migrant workers for children living overseas to reflect the cost of living in their home countries. Mr Cameron originally wanted a complete ban on migrants sending child benefit abroad but had to compromise. Other changes are to deny free movement rights to nationals of a country outside the EU who marry an EU national, to tackle ‘sham’ marriages, and to have new powers to exclude people believed to be a security risk - even if they have no previous convictions.

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  • Pray: for the Government not to confuse refugees with economic migrants. Pray that whatever the referendum outcome, poor vulnerable refugees living amongst us will be cared for. (Heb.13:1, 2)