Displaying items by tag: Climate change

Thursday, 16 February 2023 22:13

Antarctic survey: glacier meltdown

Antarctic glaciers may be more sensitive to sea temperature changes than was thought. A  programme put sensors and an underwater robot beneath the Thwaites glacier, one of the worlds fastest-changing glaciers, the size of Britain. If it melted completely, it would raise global sea levels half a metre. The joint survey, part of the largest investigations ever undertaken anywhere on the White Continent , suggests even low amounts of melting can push a glacier further towards vanishing. Thwaites has been nicknamed Doomsday Glacier. From 6 to 20 November 2022, COP27 held high-level and side events, key negotiations, and press conferences, hosting more than a hundred heads of state, over 35,000 participants and numerous pavilions showcasing climate action around the world and across different sectors. Pray that new discoveries around earth science will be a strong wake-up call to all those participants.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 20 January 2023 05:19

Young people tackle climate change

Young people across the UK have the opportunity to win funding to help tackle climate change, as part of a ground-breaking initiative from the Woodland Trust. The youth innovation competition offers young people the chance to secure part of a £20,000 prize to support their environmental projects. The competition comes against the backdrop of an alarming Met Office announcement that 2022 was the warmest year in the UK on record, highlighting the desperate need for climate change action. Nine individuals or small groups (aged between 16-25) will win up to £5,000 project funding each, along with mentorship from leading industry experts to deliver projects which directly fight the climate crisis. The projects must fit into three categories: inspire, protect and create.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 12 January 2023 20:05

UAE: oil boss to lead climate conference

The United Arab Emirates has appointed Sultan al-Jaber to preside over the next round of climate talks in Dubai. He is CEO of Abu Dhabi’s state-run oil company and oversees its renewable energy efforts. His firm pumps four million barrels of crude daily and hopes to expand to five million, generating more heat-trapping carbon dioxide that the climate negotiations aim to limit. The Emirates’ state-run news agency said this will be a critical year in a critical decade for climate action. It quoted al-Jaber saying that the UAE is approaching COP28 with a strong sense of responsibility and the highest possible level of ambition. ‘We will bring a pragmatic, realistic and solutions-oriented approach that delivers transformative progress for climate and for low-carbon economic growth.’ Al-Jaber said the Emirates had invested over $50bn in renewable energy projects across seventy countries. His nomination drew immediate criticism.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 01 December 2022 20:57

Canada: deforestation rules 'burdensome'

Ailish Campbell, Canada's ambassador to the EU,said its proposed rules to curb deforestation add ‘burdensome’ requirements and will hurt trade between Canada and the EU. The rules aim to limit the trade of products linked to deforestation worldwide. Climate campaigners have called Canada's resistance to the rules shocking. In a letter to the EU, Ms Campbell says Canada supports the objectives of the proposed deforestation regulation, but is greatly concerned that some elements will cause trade barriers for Canadian exporters. She asks for several revisions to the regulation, including providing a delay and a clearer definition for what falls under forest ‘degradation’ - a practice that climate advocates say is widely seen in Canada. In March, over 90 scientists penned an open letter to prime minister Trudeau outlining concerns about the rate of industrial logging in old-growth forests, which they said had ‘unique and irreplaceable ecological values’.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 24 November 2022 21:42

Bank fraud victims

Police are texting 70,000 people, warning them that they may have been victims of a banking scam in the UK's biggest anti-fraud operation. The Met have charged a Londoner with running an international service of fake phone calls to victims, who have lost thousands of pounds. Detectives only have victims' phone numbers and are asking people to act if they receive their messages. Police commissioner Sir Mark Rowley said the proactive counter-fraud investigations involved ‘industrialised fraud’. There could be 200,000 UK victims of fraudsters pretending to be a bank and warning of suspicious activity on their accounts. A London address is the centre of fraud on a global scale. Police have the numbers of victims but not their names and addresses. Genuine messages from police were sent on 24 or 25 November, directing victims to register at the Police Action Fraud website. Texts on any other day should be regarded as fraudulent.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 24 November 2022 21:18

COP27: climate deal and disappointments

Luke-warm applause met a historic moment when a ‘loss and damage fund’ was agreed in the early hours of 20 November 20 after a confusing and often chaotic 48 hours left delegates exhausted. This fund will see developed nations paying poorer countries for damage and economic losses caused by climate change, ending almost thirty years of waiting by poorer nations experiencing huge climate impacts. But there was disappointment over the lack of progress on cutting fossil fuels. ‘A clear commitment to phase-out all fossil fuels? Not in this text,’ said the UK's president of the Glasgow COP26 summit. The final overarching deal did not include commitments to ‘phase down’ or reduce use of fossil fuels. It also included ambiguous new languages about ‘low emissions energy’ - which experts say could open the door to some fossil fuels being considered part of a green energy future.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 10 November 2022 22:01

Just Stop Oil - serious protests

Just Stop Oil protesters demand climate change action. Their protests cover fossil fuels, renewable energy investment, and better building insulation to avoid energy waste. To make their point, they have thrown soup at National Gallery paintings, tried to disrupt Britain’s Formula 1 Grand Prix, and closed the M25 using ‘nonviolent civil resistance’. Dealing with these protests is extremely difficult for the authorities, despite arrests and court action. Just Stop Oil said it will demonstrate every day until their demand for no new oil or gas in the UK is met. A bill is currently going through Parliament to grant powers to prosecute someone interfering with the operation or use of key national public services on roads, railways, or air transport infrastructures. Since October the police have dedicated 10,000 officers to policing them, officers who would otherwise be dealing with local offences such as knife crime, safeguarding, or burglaries.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 10 November 2022 21:58

Justin Welby supports youth at COP27

The Archbishop of Canterbury has encouraged young climate activists attending the COP27 conference in Egypt. In a message posted on Twitter, Justin Welby said, ‘You're the ones who are the future of this extraordinary planet, because you'll inherit it. So it is essential that you're included in the conversation on climate change, and that you take part actively. Your call for action must be listened to, by the most powerful’. Leaders from poor countries criticised wealthy governments and oil companies for driving global warming, using their speeches to demand that they pay up for damages being inflicted on their economies.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 10 November 2022 21:36

Global: ‘highway to climate hell’

UN chief António Guterres warned the COP27 summit that humanity must cooperate or perish. He warned world leaders, ‘We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator.’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/science-environment-63330171 Rishi Sunak said the war in Ukraine and rising energy prices globally are no reason to go slow on climate change. They are reasons to act faster. Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron also urged world leaders to deliver climate justice. The UN said progress on cutting global warming emissions has been ‘woefully inadequate’ since COP26 last year. The planet has warmed 1.1C since pre-industrial times. Scientists say rises must only be 1.5C by 2100 to avoid the worst effects. Continuing current policies would cause a higher rise of 2.8C.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 09 September 2022 09:50

Climate change wakeup call

Pakistan’s floods are a ‘wake-up call’ to the threats of climate change. A sense of injustice is keenly felt. Pakistan contributes -1% of global greenhouse gases but its geography makes it exceptionally vulnerable to climate change. Global warming makes air and sea temperatures rise, causing more evaporation. Warmer air holds more moisture, making monsoon rainfall more intense. Pakistan also has more glacial ice than anywhere in the world outside of the polar regions and is referred to as the 'third pole'. As the world warms, glacial ice melts. Glaciers in Pakistan's Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa regions are melting rapidly, creating over 3,000 lakes. 33 risk suddenly bursting, which could unleash millions of cubic metres of water and debris, putting seven million people at risk. Glacial lake outbursts are already damaging infrastructure. Climate impact scientist Saeed said Pakistan’s floods are ‘absolutely a wake-up call to governments globally who promised to tackle climate change at successive UN climate conferences’.

Published in Worldwide