Displaying items by tag: EU

Friday, 28 July 2017 09:16

Poland's constitutional crisis

The limits of the EU’s integrationist ambitions are being exposed by a fight between Poland’s hard-line conservative government and the European Commission, because Poland is failing to maintain the ‘rule of law’. There has long been a simmering east-west split over migration, and fundamental values have burst into open warfare. Many believe this constitutional crisis could pull Europe apart. Poland is accused of reneging on the commitment it made to maintain ‘stable institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law and human rights’. An Article 7 sanction procedure will be triggered against Poland if it fails to address concerns over judicial reforms or starts firing Supreme Court judges. On 26 July the European Commission set a one-month deadline for the Warsaw government to ‘solve all the problems identified’ in its judicial overhaul. The commission also set a red line for Poland, ‘if it decides to fire any of the Supreme Court judges’. Poland criticised the threats from the EU to halt their voting rights in the bloc as ‘blackmail’.

Published in Europe
Friday, 16 June 2017 11:26

Brexit negotiations: who to pray for

EU institutions playing a significant role in the Brexit negotiations are: a) the European Council,which defines the general political direction and priorities of the EU and consists of the heads of state or government of member states, together with the President of the European Commission. b) the Council of the EU, which represents member states' governments. That is where ministers from EU countries meet to adopt laws and coordinate policies. They play a key role in negotiating and approving EU legislation and international agreements; c) the European Commission, the only institution with the authority to initiate legislation in most areas. It draws on input from a variety of other bodies; d) the European Parliament, comprising 751 MEPs elected by citizens of the 28 member states. Its role is to scrutinise, amend and vote on legislation.

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Brussels, which he called a ‘hellhole,’ the European Union, which he called ‘a vehicle for Germany,’ and NATO, which he called ‘obsolete,’ welcomed President Trump on Wednesday. Security was tight after the Manchester terrorist attack on Monday, with police brought in from all over Belgium and some neighbouring countries. The two-day visit was studded with deliberately brief meetings and only modest substance. This was a chance for President Trump to meet and greet about thirty European leaders, and for them to try to get him to understand more fully the importance of the EU and NATO in keeping the peace. They hope for praise and support from Mr Trump, who has aligned himself more with the critics of the EU.

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Friday, 19 May 2017 12:41

EU calls for border controls to be lifted

On 2 May, the European Commissioner for migration asked Austria, Denmark, Germany, Norway, and Sweden (some of the richest and most preferred European destinations for migrants) to implement a gradual withdrawal, over the next six months, of the temporary controls applied in 2015 at their Schengen borders. Critics believe this could trigger another immigration crisis, and allow jihadists to cross Europe without being detected. Many Christians believe God is using this situation to bring the unsaved out of closed countries and into opportunities to hear the gospel (see the previous article).

Published in Europe
Friday, 19 May 2017 12:38

Albania: one-sided election

Albania’s main religion is Islam. In the 1990s the country ended 46 years of communism and established a multiparty democracy. Successive governments have coped with high unemployment, corruption, organised crime networks, and shady political opponents and progressed with political and economic reforms, taking the first steps towards joining the EU. Albania is still one of the poorest countries in Europe, hampered by a large informal economy and inadequate energy and transportation infrastructures. The elections were held without any centre-right opposition. On 5 May Macedonia's parliament speaker asked President Tomislav Nikolić to recognise a majority of Social Democrats and ethnic Albanian members of parliament so they could form a new government, but he refused. Germany and the USA will recognise the election outcome even without the opposition’s participation. See

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Friday, 05 May 2017 11:00

Kingdom view: Europe shall be saved!

A new chapter has opened in European history. For the first time a member state is leaving. The EU needs citizens who identify with the European project after becoming increasingly sceptical over recent years. A new balance of power is needed between the EU’s Council and Commission and its member states. No one is comfortable in seasons of change where the future is not yet born. But a growing number of recognised leaders say that God is preparing a very special time for Europe in the near future. At a small conference last autumn in Switzerland, they received the vision that God will save 100 million in Europe during the next ten years. Breath-taking? Past revivals saw things happen which nobody could have anticipated in either quality or quantity. This can happen in Europe! They heard a word from God, a word which only the Lord himself can proclaim, ‘Europe shall be saved!’

Published in Europe
Friday, 28 April 2017 02:30

Europe: EU Brexit discussions

Yesterday the EU Brexit negotiation team had ‘constructive’ talks with Theresa May; tomorrow EU leaders will meet to adopt their joint negotiating position on Brexit. Downing Street described their talks as ‘constructive’, after Mrs May’s previous tough stance on key issues of freedom of movement. Also, Angela Merkel has told German MPs that the future EU / UK relationship can only be discussed once the problem of the UK payments to the EU budget has been resolved. Shortly after her speech, The EU trade commissioner stated that the EU will definitely reach a free trade deal with the UK after Brexit. The dates that the two ladies are working towards are: 29 April - EU members (excluding the UK) adopt Brexit negotiating guidelines. 8 June - UK election prior to Brexit talks. 24 September - German parliamentary election, with Mrs Merkel seeking a fourth term. 29 March 2019 - deadline for ending the talks on UK exit terms.

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Friday, 31 March 2017 11:26

Brexit: repealing EU laws, and UK security

Following Theresa May’s invoking Article 50 this week, the Government has tabled a bill to remove EU law from the statute book. Ministers promise a smooth and stable transition, with legislation ending the supremacy of EU judges. Mrs May said the bill will make the UK an independent, sovereign nation. It will repeal the European Communities Act, which says EU law is superior to the UK's; remove the UK from the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice; and transpose EU legislation into domestic UK law. Negotiations with the EU will include the importance of border controls, intelligence sharing, and the role of European courts in Britain's security. Although the EU's freedom of movement rules colour Britain's ability to police its borders, many are asking, ‘Will Britons be safe, at risk, or see their security largely unchanged once the UK exits from the EU?’ See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 31 March 2017 11:10

EU and Brexit: heads of state

Over the next two years heads of state will be informally discussing and formally negotiating Brexit now that Article 50 has been triggered. ‘The preparations of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirits.’ (Pr. 16:1-2) May the EU heads of state be guarded and led by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. May all discussions be in His perfect will. Pray particularly for Theresa May to be blessed and anointed by God. May His face shine upon her continually, may He be gracious to her and uphold her in His mighty hands, giving her peace and confidence in the coming months and years.

Published in Europe
Friday, 31 March 2017 11:08

EU and Brexit: key Brexit negotiators

Donald Tusk once warned, ‘UK leaving could cause destruction of not only the EU but Western political civilisation in its entirety’. He now has to keep Europe's leaders united in negotiations. He will also prepare the draft letter to the 27 states that will be the negotiating guidelines and response to Britain’s Article 50 letter. Others involved: Michel Barnier goes head-to-head with David Davis in tough negotiations. Sabine Weyand, his deputy and a formidable veteran at representing the Commission’s best interests, will not give much ground in trade talks. Didier Seeuws will head negotiating, keeping 27 governments happy and shaping EU / UK future relationships: he is modest and obliging, grasping complex technical issues and political stakes. David Davis, UK Brexit Secretary and a champion of civil liberties, helped to negotiate the Brussels agreements which he is now charged with unpicking. Oliver Robbins is a popular senior EU adviser who may put free movement of people at the heart of negotiations. Tim Barrow, UK ambassador to the EU, knows Brussels corridors and people.

Published in Europe