Displaying items by tag: Evangelism

Thursday, 26 September 2019 22:25

New Methodist evangelism resources

The Methodist Church has launched a series of practical resources in a bid to equip churches more effectively for evangelistic ministry. They will focus on four key areas - a new website of online resources and information, starter grants for new outreach projects, a mission-planning guide to encourage church planting and a Church-wide strategy for growth. Trey Hall, the Methodist Church's Director of Evangelism and Growth, said, ‘We heard the call to reclaim evangelism as a core dimension of our mission and identity as a Church. These resources are a direct response to the needs and hopes of the many who have engaged with us over the past year.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 06 September 2019 10:30

Mission on our doorstep

Christian mission is no longer restricted to going overseas. Interserve have 36 full-time missionaries and 21 associates who are working with the least reached people in many UK cities. They are touching the lives of those of Asian and Arab background in culturally appropriate ways. They are helping the ‘hidden communities’ to see, hear, understand, and respond to the good news about Jesus. Serving cross-culturally can be like a roller coaster, but as experienced missionaries help the local church in mission by sharing their experiences, many lives can be saved. Pray for more individuals willing to learn the culture and language of their neighbours, so that they can see the Kingdom grow amongst the local unreached people groups.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 09 August 2019 13:11

Missionaries in London

London City Mission said they love London and are privileged to be working among the rich mixture of ages, cultures and languages sharing the good news of Jesus and the love of God with Londoners. The realities and needs of London are - 34% of people are born outside the UK. 112 homeless people died in 2017. 51% of children live in households below 'Minimum Income Standard’. Across the UK most church outreach events are based around friendship evangelism, so if people have Christian friends they are more likely to have opportunities to hear the gospel than those without Christian friends. People recently arrived in the UK from a country that is closed to the gospel or those with few educational qualifications are much less likely ever to set foot inside a church or even the home of a believer.

Published in British Isles
Monday, 01 July 2019 16:43

Europe: Alliance for Christ Newsletter

During the European Trumpet Call worship and intercession conference at the beginning of September 2015, in Timisoara (Romania), the Lord encouraged the intercessors who had gathered together from many European nations with the word from Isaiah 62:4 'No longer will they call you Deserted … but you will be called Hephzibah (Delight is in Her) and your land Beulah (Married)'.

Then, in a prophetic act on behalf of our continent, we broke off the old anti-christian covenants and as partakers in the covenant and promises for Israel, through Christ, we made a new covenant with the Lord and re-named Europe 'Beulah' (Married). Directly after that, the great flood of refugees began to pour into Europe and since then we have been experiencing shakings in the EU at all possible levels in life, nature, society, politics and in the Church.

'Look at the nations and watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if it were told you.' (Habakkuk 1:5)

The Lord is using these present shakings within the European nations and the EU for His purposes. It is still His desire for all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth and that we (the Church) can live in godliness and holiness and, since our lives and those of our families and churches are governed by those in authority, we are urged first of all to pray for them (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

European Union

Let us thank the Lord for the results of the European Parliament elections! A great transition is in progress. Around two thirds of the Members of Parliament will be replaced and new alliances need to be formed. Subsequently, many executives in the EU administration will also be replaced.

The following key positions are to be newly elected:

  • • President of the EU Parliament – by the EU Parliament
  • • President of the EU Commission – by the EU Parliament
  • • President of the EU Council – by the European Council
  • • EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs – by the EU Commission
  • • President of the European Central Bank – by the European Council

Let us pray that as many God-fearing people as possible will be elected into office – people who have a sense of justice, wisdom and integrational strength, and who also respect and understand the cultural diversity of the nations within the EU.

Also pray that the powers striving to subjugate nations by a centrally controlled EU Empire, will be broken.

The idea of creating a United States of Europe on the model of the USA is unrealistic. The USA was created by people from many different nations – people who left their native countries for distant America and formed a new state structure with a shared language and shared core values.

The influence of God-fearing men and women in the founding phase was immense and so, within a relatively short time, a new, US American identity emerged with people who no longer thought of themselves as being British, German, Italian, French etc., but as being citizens of the USA.

Europe is very heterogeneous in that it is made up of many nations, each with their own language and culture and some with a history going back for up to thousands of years. The size of these nations and also their economic strength varies tremendously between the north and south, and the east and west of Europe.

The smaller and economically weaker nations have long perceived the EU as an 'Empire' in which the weaker nations are dominated by the stronger ones (especially by Germany) and the EU administration. They fear that they might lose their identity and freedom and that they will have to pay a high price for any advantages the EU has to offer.

This is something the Lord cannot bless. If the EU does not want to disintegrate, it must find new ways of providing regional development aid that promotes peace and not disunity between great and small and poor and rich. In addition there needs to be a clearer definition and agreement between common EU legislation and national sovereignty.

Above all, the nations of the EU need a fresh encounter with God and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Fervant prayer avails much!


Just recently, we celebrated the founding of the German State, seventy years ago, and the seventy-fifth anniversary of D-Day. We were reminded of what it cost the British and Americans, along with their Allies and the resistance movements within the occupied nations, to liberate Europe and establish peace.

Great Britain is the only country in Western Europe that successfully resisted the German war machine. Around 330,000 Britons lost their lives. History testifies to the miracles that gave advantage to the British and their allies, and to the importance of the nationals days of prayer called by the King, as well as the intercession of Rees Howells, and the Bible School of Wales.

After the war, the British did not seek revenge. Along with the Americans, they helped to rebuild Germany with a new constitution as a Federal Democratic Republic. Thanks to the strong Christian Values held at that time by the British and Americans, Germany was released from a huge debt, was reconciled with France, preserved its sovereignty and, eventually, was re-admitted to the community of nations.

Bearing these facts in mind, and considering the friendship built up over the last decades, it is high time for a change in policy regarding Britain leaving the EU. The present attitude of the EU leaders is: 'We will no longer negotiate and if the British do not want to accept the presented agreement, then we will treat them like the rest of the world, not even granting a transition phase.' In the light of history and for continued friendship, such an attitude is arrogant and disrespectful.

Let us pray for a positive change within the EU leadership and administration regarding Brexit.

Let us also pray for the forming of the new British government with new vision for the future and sound judgment to protect the sovereignty of Great Britain, while defining its future synergy with the EU.


Germany and Europe need to be reached again with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Lord is mobilising a new generation of evangelists along with His Church. This was the main emphasis at a conference held by Christ for all Nations (CfaN) at the end of May, in Hamburg.

Over four thousand attended, including many young people, when the evangelist, Reinhard Bonnke‚ passed on the baton to the younger generation. This new movement needs to be accompanied by prayer!

March for Jesus

The March for Jesus movement is presently experiencing a new awakening. The Lord is encouraging Christians in several European cities to go on the streets and publicly profess His name.

The next March for Jesus will be held in Munich on the 28th of July, under the leadership of Chad Chambers and ‚Europe Ablaze’ team. More information and registration under www.europeablaze.tv

Yours in Christ

Berthold Becker

A year after its launch the Church of England’s Alexa skill has been asked over 75,000 questions. The smart speaker skill was originally launched with prayers, explanations of Christian faith and details of where to find the nearest church for local events and services. More family prayers have also been added, and integration improved with A Church Near You, the national church finder tool, showing maps of where the nearest church is. A range of videos have now been added to bring the Christian faith to life and showcase Church social action work across the country. The highest numbers of people using the skill were in the evening. So the teams added a wider range of mealtime, evening and night prayers. The skill is average 4.2 out of five stars on the Alexa store with comments such as ‘Love it - great example to the kids on how to pray’.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 23 May 2019 21:32

Globally: God among Muslims

More Muslims have turned to Jesus in the last fifteen years than in the previous 1,400. God loves all, and wants all to hear and understand the message ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ (John 14:6) Although more Muslims have turned to Jesus in recent years, another 1.8 billion are still living without a saving relationship with him. Middle East news dominates our headlines, while behind the scenes Muslims are fasting and praying throughout Ramadan. Please continue to intercede for them this month as they fast and seek God. Pray for supernatural dreams and visions that open doors to salvation. Many prayer diaries have been produced to aid intercession. For example Iran 30 helps Christians play a part in proclaiming Christ to Iranians with thirty short, easy to read sections explaining the activity where God is building His Church behind the scenes. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 04 April 2019 22:54

Chinese hear gospel while working in Africa

Due to the influx of roughly 10,000 Chinese-owned companies into Africa, up to one million Chinese are hearing the gospel from African Christians and bringing their newfound religion home. While new religion regulations are in place in China to ‘block extremism’, African churches are reaching out to Chinese workers by incorporating Mandarin into services; the Chinese have welcomed the sense of community and belonging that Christian churches offer. Also, missionaries from Taiwan are targeting Chinese nationals in Africa, preaching with a freedom they would never be allowed in the People's Republic. When evangelised Chinese Christians return home, they bring their new faith with them. There are an estimated 93 to 115 million Protestants currently in China. If current growth rates continue, the nation will soon have more Christians than any other country in the world.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 22 March 2019 09:28

Sudan: Christian broadcasting

Sudan is among the world’s worst for gender inequality, with many women deprived of their rights. Now, a new SAT-7 Arabic show is offering women a platform for their voices to be heard. Hosted by three female Sudanese presenters, ‘Woman and Mirror’ is giving women hope by letting women view themselves through the mirror of the Bible. Sudan’s gender discrimination begins in childhood. The country has one of the highest rates of female genital mutilation in the world (87%). A quarter of Sudanese girls stop attending school early in secondary education, and can be legally be married at age ten. Soaring inflation, public protests, and a security crackdown under a state of emergency have made life difficult and unsafe for many. Pray for the country’s people. Pray that ‘Woman and Mirror’ will offer guidance and reassurance to women and families in these unstable times.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 08 February 2019 00:36

Evangelism and General Synod

Evangelism will be the ‘clear theme’ of the CofE General Synod, which meets from 20 to 23 February. A new evangelism report states that ‘focused efforts will be needed to multiply and replicate confident disciples who are equipped and released to live out their faith in the whole of their lives’. The report quotes Dr Michael Jinkins, of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, on baptism: ‘We are soaked to the skin in the death of Christ. We trail wet footprints of the drenching wherever we go.’ It concludes, ‘We need to prioritise how we help people drip their wet footprints into the people and places of their lives, spreading the aroma of the knowledge of Christ everywhere.’ There is an aim to fulfil the vision to motivate and enable worshippers to move from church attendees to advocates and apprentices who are outward-looking and confident in their faith and church.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 December 2018 11:04

Missionary who uses a gun and brings a Bible

Dave Eubank moved his family into the middle of some of the most dangerous places in the world to spread the Gospel and help others. He has been described as a Christian Rambo. Countless people caught in war zones around the globe are incredibly thankful for his outlook. Eubank achieved media fame last year when he saw IS forces shoot a fleeing family. He assumed everyone was dead, but then spotted slight movement; there was a small child alive in the midst of the horrific scene, lying under her mother’s body. With smoke screen and covering fire, he daringly ran into the open, exposing himself to enemy fire, grabbed the girl, and brought her to safety. He was seen praying for protection, crying out to Jesus, before he made the rescue attempt. Jesus is at the heart of everything Eubank does.

Published in Worldwide
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