Displaying items by tag: Government

Friday, 12 October 2018 00:10

Bishop challenges Government on climate change

Following a report by a UN panel (see article ‘New UN report on climate change’ in world section), the Bishop of Salisbury said that the evidence shows that climate change risks are now critical. Ours is the first generation to know and understand this, and probably the last to be able to do something meaningful towards climate justice. ‘We have a narrow window now to act if we are to protect God’s creation for generations to come.’ He challenged the Government to lead in this change. ‘Building on the ten-year anniversary of the Climate Change Act, an ambitious UK Government would seek to be a world leader by committing to a target of net zero emissions by 2050.’ Christian Aid reported recently that major cities in the world including Houston, Shanghai, Jakarta, and London are in danger of being flooded if sea levels continue to rise at the current rate.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 11 October 2018 23:57

Brexit: PM urges MPs to put national interest first

Mrs May has faced the Commons for the first time since the EU rejected her Brexit plan. We can pray for a plan to be agreed that respects the United Kingdom’s 2016 vote. There is mounting pressure from some Tory MPs to change course in the run-up to a crucial meeting of EU leaders next week. Pray for God to inspire Theresa May and her cabinet to recognise and agree on a good strategy that will ‘put God’s agenda for the national interest first’ in all talks and future votes. Mrs May recently said she had a duty to voters to ensure the UK left the EU in March in a way which protected jobs. May God help her fulfil that duty. The DUP's ten MPs could vote against the Budget if they consider any Brexit deal breaks their ‘red line trade barriers’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 14 September 2018 09:12

Scotland’s children: mental health problems

Child mental health has been a key priority for the Scottish government. But specialist services are struggling to cope with increasing demand, and mental health minister Clare Haughey said the situation was ‘unacceptable’. The target of 90% of children and young people starting treatment or having referral to specialist services within 18 weeks has never been met. Instead, waiting times have increased since the target was set. About one in ten Scottish children aged between 5 and 16 have a clinically diagnosable mental illness, and there has been a 22% increase in the number being referred for specialist treatment in recent years. Children may receive little or no support or advice while waiting for treatment, causing conditions to deteriorate or make it more likely they will drop out of the system during the process. Early intervention services are patchy across Scotland.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 14 September 2018 07:51

Global: ensuring climate funds reach those in need

As climate change creates huge ecological and economic damage, more and more money is being given to at-risk countries to help them prevent it and adapt to its effects. But these grants can be diverted into private bank accounts and vanity projects. Senior staff at Kenya’s geothermal energy company went on compulsory leave after trying to embezzle US$19 million, and a Bangladesh fishing community cannot reach their cyclone shelter that was built on the other side of a river which isn’t crossable during bad weather. The contractor built the shelter next to his own house. Also 52 Maldivian families were relocated from islands vulnerable to erosion and sea surges. The government raised funds to house them. Construction never began; they were still homeless eight years after the relocation. Transparency International works to safeguard climate change funding from corruption, by monitoring and exposing corruption risks and supporting communities.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 07 June 2018 23:35

Grenfell Tower inquiry

Behailu Kebede, in whose flat the Grenfell Tower fire broke out, was scapegoated by the media and wrongly blamed for failing to raise the alarm. Pray that all such false reporting is revealed and innocent individuals are exonerated. Leslie Thomas QC claimed the failures of management of Grenfell stemmed from the way social housing was stigmatised; attitudes and stereotyping allowed cost-cutting and the use of deadly materials to become normalised. Michael Mansfield QC called for the inquiry to make urgent recommendations to ensure that tower blocks are safe, claiming the fire was foreseeable and criticising the Government’s failure to implement the coroner’s recommendations after the Lakanal house fire in 2009. He called for the imposition of a regulator on the construction industry to overturn its ‘non-compliance mindset’, and attacked Government-backed red tape for regarding safety as a ‘hindrance to profit-making.’

Published in British Isles

Christian leaders are being invited to a meeting in Johannesburg on 5 June to collaborate on a joint Bible-based response on land expropriation without compensation, for submission to a new constitutional review committee. After parliament’s February vote in favour of land expropriation without compensation, this committee was set up to review Section 25 of the constitution and other clauses where necessary, to make it possible for the state to expropriate land in the public interest, without compensation. Following this submission, further stages of the public consultation process will continue; the committee must submit its report by 30 August.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 13 April 2018 04:53

China: Religious freedom

China presented a ‘religion white paper’ guaranteeing protection for religious freedom four days after banning online sale of Bibles. The paper was publicised at a press conference after Chinese believers found that online searches for the ‘Holy Bible’ got no results. JD.com, Amazon.cn and China's biggest online marketplaces did not include the Bible in their search results. Online merchants said copies can be obtained through private message. Sensitive religious topics and groups are among the most censored in China. Chinese authorities increasingly use more high-tech methods to control religion and punish believers - including surveillance and arrest of believers for sharing information online. These developments follow February’s new ‘religion regulations’ which some Churches said violated religious freedom. World Watch Monitor reported in October 2017 that the estimated number of Christians in China could reach 247 million by 2030, ‘making it the world’s largest congregation’.
See  http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2018/april/bible-ban-gods-word-disappears-from-online-stores-in-china

Published in Worldwide

For the second Friday running thousands of people protested across Slovakia against their government’s handling of a journalist’s murder and an end to high-level corruption, as talks between the country’s leaders failed to end a spiraling crisis that began in February. Slovakia’s cabinet is dogged by allegations of corruption and incompetence, and when investigative reporter Jan Kuciak was about to publish an article revealing links between senior Slovak political figures and Italy’s Ndrangheta mafia group he and his girlfriend were murdered. Slovak president Andrej Kiska, opposition parties and members of the ruling coalition are urging populist Prime Minister Robert Fico to call elections or overhaul the cabinet. He rejected the demands and accused Mr Kiska of conspiring with a liberal philanthropist to launch a ‘coup’ in Slovakia with the help of opposition leaders and national media outlets that are critical of the government. See  http://www.prayer-alert.net/europe-pa-site/item/10365-slovakia-press-freedom

Published in Europe
Wednesday, 28 March 2018 13:29

Pray for Nepal

Greetings in the name of our mighty Lord Jesus Christ.

Today we had blessed prayer meeting in House of Prayer. Yes, God is continuing His works in Nepal through His people.

Please pray for our newly formed central government and the 7 states of Nepal, very small country but more states.

Pray for rain in Nepal now very much dry allover the Nepal.

Please pray for sustainable country of Nepal and good government. 

Please pray for God's hand for prosperity and blessing upon our country.

We are so much thankful to your regular prayer and love for Nepal. We honor your heart for the Lord!

Thank you for loving us and praying for us and investing us for His Kingdom.

May the Lord bless you

Govinda and Sujita

Tagged under
Friday, 26 January 2018 09:54

Carillion's collapse and venture capitalists

Theresa May attacked executives who risked pension funds, and has set out a plan to defend capitalism from capitalists after the collapse of construction company Carillion plc. Pray for new laws that deal with executives who profit at the expense of workers’ pensions. Pray for an end to the culture that gives big bonuses to individuals who put short-term profit above long-term achievement. Carillion’s failure has prompted a debate about how companies are run, and about how much the Government relies on businesses to provide services. The UK spends £10.3 billion a year servicing public-private contracts of the type awarded to Carillion. Pray for politicians to come out of ‘blame game’ mode and make wise decisions which will move our government contracts and policies away from the Private Finance Initiatives (PFI) that have put millions of pounds into the pockets of venture capitalists.

Published in British Isles