Displaying items by tag: IS

Friday, 31 March 2017 11:02

Iraq: ‘wherever we go, we get bombed’

Exploring Mosul, RT news reporters have gathered more evidence in support of the Amnesty International report which accuses the US-led coalition and Iraqi government of indiscriminately bombing civilian homes along with IS targets. The debris of destroyed houses, schools and hospitals has turned the city into an urban graveyard. On Tuesday, with explosions and gunfire heard in the distance, RT's crew saw coalition jets heading to and from Mosul every 5–10 minutes. They heard chilling stories of how IS terrorists use civilians as human shields during airstrikes. The Iraqi government isn’t organising humanitarian corridors for civilians to leave Mosul, they’re urging them to stay inside. The perceived safety of their homes becomes their graves as bombs continue to rain down (although less intensively since a severe loss of civilian life which is being investigated).

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The fighting in Syria grows more complex as Turkey aims to interrupt the line of territory held by Kurdish forces along its border and the US works with the Kurds to prevent battle escalation and focus on IS. Pray for this tense situation where Turkish and US goals are in disagreement. Pray also for the third round of peace talks sponsored by Russia and Turkey that began on 14 March. In Iraq, the campaign to retake Mosul from IS progresses despite fierce resistance. Iraqi commanders are hopeful they can overcome IS within six months. Many civilians have been prevented from fleeing by IS, and horrific sites of mass burials have been uncovered in captured areas. Pray for the future for Mosul, for peace-building and reconstruction to be given as much thought as the current military campaign. The two-year conflict in Yemen has killed 7,700 people, including 1,500 children. The fallout is that over 18 million people need food aid.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 17 March 2017 10:18

Christian woman refuses IS conversion demand

Mariyam Petrayus, a blind Christian woman, was trapped under IS control in Mosul for over two years before she escaped. When IS took over territory in Iraq, it gave Christians and other religious minorities the option to convert to Islam, pay a large tax or die. Mariyam, who is now living in the Sewdinan displacement camp, recounted at least one instance in which an IS jihadist pressured her to convert to Islam. Mariyam, who is in her 50s, refused to deny Christ. ‘He told me, “Why don't you convert to Islam? Why are you Christian?” I told him that everyone is on their religion, and nobody leaves their religion.’ She also told the jihadi that she did not want to convert to Islam and be anything like him.

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Friday, 10 March 2017 10:40

Syria: army recaptures gas fields

The Syrian Arab Army has been kept busy in the eastern countryside of Homs since they liberated Palmyra, attacking several areas controlled by the IS forces north of the city. Among these areas are the Jazal Mountains, situated 10 km northwest of Palmyra. On Sunday, the Syrian Arab Army’s newly-formed 5th Legion entered the gas fields in this mountain region, liberating the entire site after 24 hours of fierce combat. The army now controls two of the four gas fields that are situated near the Palmyra-Homs highway.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 03 March 2017 10:19

Iraq: Mosul humanity crisis

‘People knock on doors begging for food,’ said a man who fled north Mosul with family still trapped there. ‘People will start dying of starvation. There are no doctors or food. No flour, no bulgur wheat, no rice, no milk, nothing to eat.’ As fighting continues, thousands of families have already fled Mosul for their lives, and many more are expected to do so. UNHCR anticipate 250,000 displaced who will need shelter, food and water - including distressed children and those requiring urgent medical care. ‘What we're hearing from inside western Mosul right now is deeply concerning,’ said Save the Children’s director in Iraq. Meanwhile, since December, four million letters of hope and love, written by civilians, have been dropped over IS-held parts of Mosul. Volunteers gathered 2,000+ letters, photocopied them and then showered them from a transport plane. See:

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 24 February 2017 08:49

Spain: IS threat to tourist hotspots

IS fanatics have issued ‘direct threats’ to Spanish tourist hotspots where millions of Britons are expected to visit this year, according to a government report. The warnings were reportedly found on social media, amid fears that the terror group is also recruiting translators and foreign jihadists from the country. Its bid to find Spanish speaking fanatics started last summer, the report claims, adding that extremists are increasingly publishing in the language. It comes just weeks after police in San Sebastian, in the country’s north, arrested a Moroccan boxing coach suspected of recruiting for IS.

Published in Europe
Friday, 24 February 2017 08:33

Egypt: persecution by IS militants

50-year-old Christian schoolteacher Gamal Tawfiq was shot in the head on his way to El-Samran School in el-Arish, Northern Sinai. His killers rode motorbikes. Also this week militants killed local Christian vet Bahgat Zakher. Last month a Christian merchant was gunned down by militants in his shop, and five Coptic Christians had their throats slashed in a killing spree. In December IS bombed a Cairo church killing 27 people and wounding 40+. IS called it a 'martyrdom operation' targeting 'infidels' and 'apostates'. Ishaq Ibrahim of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights said, ‘We are witnessing an increase of Christian killings that I think will turn into a repetitive pattern in el-Arish’. On 20 February IS released a video calling for the slaughter of Egyptian Christians. See:

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 10 February 2017 10:31

Afghanistan: six workers 'killed by IS’

Officials say that six Afghan Red Cross workers have been killed by suspected IS group gunmen in the province of Jowzjan. Two others are unaccounted for, feared abducted by the gunmen. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) confirmed the deaths, but said it did not know who was to blame. The ICRC said it is putting its work in Afghanistan on temporary hold. ‘We need to understand more clearly what happened; this is one of the most critical humanitarian contexts, and we will definitely do everything to continue our operations there,’ said ICRC director of operations Dominik Stillhart. IS has been operating in Afghanistan since 2015, claiming responsibility for attacks in Kabul and the east. But there has been no immediate claim for the attack in Jowzjan.

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