Displaying items by tag: Palestine

Thursday, 14 May 2020 21:22

Palestine: women and coronavirus

A woman leads the fight against coronavirus in the Palestinian territories, while at the same time it has brought more violence and suffering to women. Umm Iyad travels to the northern West Bank to follow up on emergency procedures as part of the efforts to stem the outbreak of coronavirus. She has been heading the village council since 2017, and is now head of the emergency committee. She is also working on a community initiative to cultivate land and grow vegetables to achieve self-sufficiency for the villagers. However, during lockdown, statistics showed social workers across the Palestinian governorates have been dealing with increased victims of domestic violence. 40% of women have been subjected to emotional and mental abuse, and 31% to physical abuse. 60% of the victims have fled their houses, and 21% attempted suicide.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 28 February 2020 03:21

Jihadi school textbooks funded by UK foreign aid

Ministers pledged urgent action after it emerged that tens of millions of British foreign aid cash is funding schools in Gaza and the West Bank where textbooks on martyrdom and radical Islamism are used in school lessons. The money goes via a UN agency that some other nations have stopped financing because of concerns. The textbooks include a reading exercise for six-year-olds with the words 'martyr' and 'attack', poems for eight-year-olds include phrases such as 'sacrifice my blood' to 'eliminate the usurper from my country' and 'annihilate the remnants of the foreigners'. Teaching on Newton’s Second law for eleven-year-olds uses pictures of a boy with a slingshot targeting Israeli soldiers during the Palestinian uprising and nine-year-olds learn maths by adding the number of martyrs in Palestinian uprisings in textbooks illustrated with pictures of their funerals. Ten-year-olds learn that the most important thing is giving their life for 'sacrifice, fight, jihad, and struggle'.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 14 November 2019 21:47

Israel: EU condemns rocket fire on Israeli civilians

On 12 November the Israel Defence Forces killed a senior commander of a Jihad terror group responsible for firing dozens of rockets out of the Gaza Strip. This prompted a massive retaliation of over seventy rockets fired at Israel’s civilian districts. The UK’s foreign office advised visitors that attacks could be indiscriminate, including places frequented by foreigners, and on public transport. Most embassies in Tel Aviv have heightened caution or have temporarily closed. Palestinian Islamic Jihad declared that it was preparing for war with Israel. By 13 November, 220 rockets had been fired as far north as Tel Aviv, with 90% intercepted by the army. Schools in the south and much of the centre were closed, keeping 1 million students at home, and a commando unit was deployed to secure border communities from possible infiltration. On 14 November a ceasefire was achieved, but just hours later five rockets were launched from the coastal enclave, with two of them intercepted by Israel’s army. See also

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 23 May 2019 21:38

Asia and Africa: change and conflict

In Algeria and Sudan, peaceful protesters are continuing to demand genuine change, but the military - the most powerful institution in both countries - resist the calls. Both countries know that ousting an authoritarian leader is no guarantee of reform. In each case, Christian communities have added their voices to the calls for greater democracy and transparency. In the Holy Land, recent violence saw Islamic militants from Gaza launch 600+ rockets into Israel, and Israel responding with a heavy bombardment. Both sides eventually agreed a ceasefire, which is currently holding, but the UN envoy to the Middle East warned on 13 May that the risk of another war ‘remains imminent’. Half the Christian population has returned to Iraq following the collapse of IS, but they are returning to broken towns and Iran-backed militias in the Nineveh area. The search for peace, good governance, fairness, justice and dignity continues.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 23 May 2019 21:30

Bahrain: Trump’s summit (25-26 June)

Donald Trump’s ‘Peace to Prosperity’ summit in Bahrain will mark the first phase of the roll-out of US plans for solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But a Palestinian Authority spokesman has said that they will not be sending a representative. Some reports indicate that private Palestinian representatives will attend. Bahrain and the United States are hosting the economic leadership ‘workshop’ to share ideas, discuss strategies, and galvanise support for potential economic investments and initiatives that could be made possible by the upcoming US peace agreement. Although the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are sending delegations to participate, the spokesman said that any Palestinian who takes part will be nothing but a collaborator for the Americans and Israel.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 May 2019 23:19

Ramadan ‘Iftar’ Kosher meal

A leading Palestinian businessman, Sheikh Ashraf Jabari, served a kosher spread to his Israeli guests at a traditional fast-breaking ‘Iftar’ meal, which Muslims eat during the holy month of Ramadan. He hosted several key Israeli leaders including the Samaria regional council head, a Jewish community leader, and Heather Johnston of the Israel-US Friendship Association, as well as members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Jabari said, ‘This meal is a reinforcement, in the sense that economic-business relationships and the strengthening of relations and friendship lead us all to a more positive place. Breaking the fast together at a joint meal in Hebron clearly symbolises our ability to bridge all gaps.’ The meal is an example of Palestinian business leaders choosing to set aside political issues to focus on improving economic prospects for the Arab sector.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 15 March 2019 10:28

Terror-inciting Tamimi to come to Britain

Ahed Tamimi is a Palestinian provocateur who slapped Israeli soldiers while her mother filmed the incident and then sent film to the media. She later said, ‘The world should not panic or be appalled by a Palestinian slapping an IDF soldier. Everyone should do it, not just me.’ With such comments, she and her family incite suicide bombings and stabbings. She is to come to Britain for a three-month crash course in the English language. Tamimi says she is on ‘the path of the martyrs’ who are not aiming for a two-state solution, but for ‘the liberation of Palestine’, and for ‘Jerusalem to be the eternal capital of Palestine’. Jeremy Corbyn supports her, and Labour MPs have been lectured by her father inside the UK parliament. In an interview with Jordanian media she said that after her crash course in English she will visit her brother in Palestine when he is freed from prison, then return to the UK to study international law. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 January 2019 09:26

Israel: early elections could lead to violence

On 26 December the Knesset disbanded and called elections for 9 April. The same day, Mahmoud Abbas disbanded the Palestinian legislature, with a view to 2019 elections. Many say it is hard to see how new parliamentary elections can take place in the West Bank and Gaza at the same time. ‘When Abbas dissolves the Palestinian parliament and the Knesset dissolves itself in the same week, Hamas smells trouble’. There is concern that Israel will block Qatari financial aid and seek an excuse to suspend the cease-fire deal. The Zionist Union, a joint list of the Israeli Labour party and the Hatnuah party, has broken up ahead of the Knesset elections. At the same time the Labour party, which has dominated Israeli politics for the past thirty years, is declining in popularity: see https://worldisraelnews.com/zionist-union-party-dissolves-ahead-of-elections/ An Israeli defence source told Al-Monitor that Israel assumes Hamas is gearing up for another round of widespread violence. The relative calm could end at any moment.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 December 2018 11:11

Israel: Christmas and tourism in Bethlehem

70% of what had been Palestine until 1949 is now controlled by Israel. After the 1967 Arab-Israeli war and the continuing expansion of settlements and military law in the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority now has control over about 18% of the West Bank - which includes Bethlehem. The tourism industry there is yet another battleground of Palestinians and Israelis for controlling the narrative around the occupation. At Christmas there are strings of lights over the town's famous Manger Square, with a life-sized nativity scene, and pilgrims entering the church to see where Jesus was born. Tourists come in groups organised by Israeli tour companies, while native Palestinian local guides look for individual tourists to show them around their hometown. There is an unseen struggle for Palestinians, many of them Christians, to earn a living.

Published in Worldwide

Sermon by imam demands 'liberation'

Muslim willing to sacrifice 'millions' of lives to retake 'Palestine'

 “Palestine” must be retaken by Muslims even if it costs “millions” of lives.

That’s the opinion of an imam in Florida whose recent sermon on the topic was uncovered by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

The Oct. 12, 2018, message was from Hasan Sabri of the Islamic Center of South Florida in Pompano Beach.

He said a “believing Muslim’s” position is that Palestine is “Islamic waqf land that was occupied by force” – and that it should be liberated “even if this leads to the martyrdom of tens of millions of Muslims.”

MEMRI reported Sabri also said, “Allah wants each and every one of you to be a man with a cause … for which he lives and dies,” noting that the Palestinian cause “is being plotted against” with “the Deal of the Century.”

The research organization explained, “According to Pompano Beach elected officials, Sabri has recited invocations annually at Pompano Beach city meetings since 2005, and the ICOSF has had a peaceful, 25-year presence in the city, even serving as a polling station. In September 2017, Imam Sabri was a panelist at ‘Interfaith and Race Relations Peace and Acceptance Conference’ at Palm Beach State College in Lake Worth, Florida.”

But the building that is listed as the address of the ICOSF is owned by the North American Islamic Trust, which was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorist financing case in America history. The case, U.S. v. Holy Land Foundation, resulted in convictions and imprisonment of several U.S.-based Hamas leaders.

Sabri said: “Take the Palestinian cause, for example. It is now being plotted against with a deal they call the ‘Deal of the Century.’ Why do they call it a ‘deal?’ Because whoever is involved in this treason is not a man of principles. These are peddlers, not men with a cause. All they want are positions and jobs. That is why for them, the cause is nothing but a deal, a matter of give and take. For them, it is nothing but a deal.”

He continued: “But what is the position of a believing Muslim about the Palestinian cause? That Palestine in its entirety is Islamic land, and there is no difference between what was occupied in 1948 and 1967. There is no difference between this village or that village, this city or that city. All of it is Islamic waqf land that was occupied by force. The responsibility for it lies with the entire Islamic nation, and the [Palestinians] should benefit from this land. If a land is occupied or plundered, it should be liberated from the occupiers and plunderers, even if this leads to the martyrdom of tens of millions of Muslims.”

He added, “This is the ruling, and there is no room for discussion or concessions.”

He also said: “[Atheists] always belong to minorities – national minorities, religious sects or minorities, and they have an agenda of destroying this Islamic nation, so they adopt atheism, not because it makes sense, but because it serves their approach. That is why you find most of these people, like I said, calling for goals that are opposite from the general goals of this nation. Our goal is to unite people, to unite Muslims. Their goal is to fragment Muslims even more. Wherever there is an opportunity to split a Muslim country into two, or three, or 10 parts, you will find that they are for it. What does that have to do with atheism? It has to do with an agenda. That’s all.”

Article printed from WND: http://www.wnd.com

URL to article: http://www.wnd.com/2018/11/muslim-willing-to-sacrifice-millions-of-lives-to-retake-palestine/

Pray for the peace of God to reign over the Middle East and especially over those radical Palestinians who want conquer the land of Israel by violence and even the cost of millions of lives.

Pray that many of them will come to Jesus, the Messiah, who alone can help them make sense out of their great sense of disenfranchisement.

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