Displaying items by tag: Praise

Thursday, 12 September 2024 21:27

Starting small, now global

Born to a Hindu father and Christian mother near Chennai, Mohan committed his life to Christ while in the tenth grade after grappling with spiritual questions about heaven and salvation. Baptised in 1990, he received the gift of speaking in tongues a few months later. He soon felt called to plant churches and began evangelising in a nearby village. Despite having a career as an engineer, Mohan used his earnings to support pastors and plant churches, leading to the establishment of ten churches in India. In 2012, he moved to Connecticut, where he continues to support global church-planting efforts. During the Covid lockdown, Mohan spent time in deep prayer, leading to the creation of Universal Apostolic Ministries, which focuses on planting churches in Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist, and communist countries. His ministry has expanded from India to include Myanmar, Bhutan, Pakistan, China, Mexico, and beyond.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 12 September 2024 21:25

USA: Russell Brand prays publicly

At an event in Phoenix, US media personality Tucker Carlson talked at length to actor Russell Brand about his recent conversion, then asked him to close the event in prayer. Dropping to his knees, Brand declared: ‘I call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our heavenly Saviour. I pray … that the dark and demonic forces which appear to operate in the corporate and global world experience your light, Lord.’ After asking God to guide everyone's words and hearts towards grace and forgiveness, he continued: ‘Thank you, Lord, for the many gifts that you have bestowed upon us. Thank you for the glory of consciousness itself, in which we can experience you and live for you. Thank you for the beauty of nature, in which we see your wisdom and your creativity and your infinite glory. All of us are fallen, but in your holy name we are forgiven by your act of redemption. By your sacrifice in your name, we pray. Amen.’ ‘Amen’, Carson responded, prompting cheers from the audience.

Published in Praise Reports

A powerful testimony shared tells the story of Abdu Murray, who had a life-changing encounter with the Holy Spirit after visiting a church. Curious about Christianity, he decided to attend a church service with no intention of becoming a believer. As he left the service and began walking home, something extraordinary happened: he was suddenly forced to the ground by an unseen power. He described the experience as overwhelming, realising he was being confronted by the presence of God. In that moment the Holy Spirit spoke to him, revealing the truth of Jesus Christ. Abdu immediately repented, embraced Christianity, and has since become a committed follower of Jesus. His testimony serves as a reminder of God's relentless pursuit of the lost, even in the most unexpected circumstances. This remarkable encounter with the Holy Spirit not only transformed his life but has also inspired others in his community to seek God’s presence.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 29 August 2024 23:01

Man born blind now serving as a pastor

A remarkable story from God Reports shares the miraculous healing of Pastor John, who was born blind and later healed by Jesus. Raised in a devout Christian family, John’s parents never gave up on their prayers for his sight. At the age of eighteen, John experienced a divine encounter during a church service. As he was being prayed for, he suddenly felt warmth in his eyes and gradually began to see for the first time. This miraculous healing not only restored his vision but also strengthened his faith and commitment to Christ. He dedicated his life to serving others and sharing the Gospel. Today, he leads a congregation and uses his testimony to inspire and uplift those facing their own challenges. His journey from darkness to light is a testament to the power of faith and God’s miraculous work in our lives, showing that no situation is too hopeless for God to transform.

Published in Praise Reports

Love France has launched a new 7-day prayer guide specifically designed for children to pray for France. This innovative guide aims to engage young hearts during the Para-Games in praying for the country’s spiritual awakening and cultural renewal. Each day of the guide features a different theme, such as praying for government leaders, churches, schools, families, and the youth of France. It is packed with colourful illustrations, fun activities, and simple prayers to help children understand the importance of intercession and develop a heart for missions. 2BC, the creators of the guide, emphasise the importance of involving children in prayer early, teaching them to be compassionate and aware of the spiritual needs around the world. The guide encourages children to see themselves as vital parts of God's mission, capable of making a significant impact through their prayers. By equipping the next generation with these tools, Love France hopes to foster a deeper connection between young believers and God’s work in France.

Published in Praise Reports

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, a Christian charity volunteer, has won £13,000 in compensation and received an apology after being wrongfully arrested twice for silently praying outside an abortion clinic in a 'buffer zone' - an area designated to prevent actions that may intimidate women entering the clinic. Her first arrest occurred in November 2022, but she was cleared of charges in February 2023 when prosecutors failed to present evidence. Despite this, she was arrested again for the same action weeks later. Supported by ADF International, she pursued legal action against the police, citing wrongful arrest, false imprisonment, and human rights violations. Although grateful for her vindication, Vaughan-Spruce expressed concern that Christians should not have to fight for their rights in such a manner. Her case emerges as government ministers review police guidelines, potentially redefining the legal standing of 'silent prayer' near abortion clinics across England and Wales.

Published in Praise Reports

Hassan, raised in a strict Muslim household in Lebanon, experienced a tumultuous childhood marked by abuse from his father and later from his radical Muslim stepfather. Seeking acceptance, he delved into Islamic philosophy, even persecuting Christians he encountered. However, a traumatic moment when he witnessed a murder led him to question his faith. This inner turmoil culminated in a dream where Jesus appeared, offering him peace. Initially confused, Hassan spent years searching for meaning, even attempting to convert to Judaism. A turning point came when a friend invited him to a Christian baptism, where he encountered the love of Christ through the congregation. A vision of the cross and a pastor's prophetic message profoundly moved him, leading to his conversion. Today, Hassan leads Christ is Enough Ministries in Montreal, where he shares the Gospel, particularly with Muslims, using his deep understanding of Islam to contrast it with the love and peace he found in Jesus.

Published in Praise Reports

Abraham Aguilar, a senior at Palmdale High School, experienced a profound transformation after a life of rebellion and substance abuse. Raised in a troubled environment, his life changed when he reluctantly attended church with his mother, who demanded his attendance as a condition for living in her house. Initially, he resisted, sitting in what he now calls 'backslider lane’, but the consistent preaching began to break through his hardened heart. After attending a men’s discipleship seminar, he felt God urging him, 'It’s either now or never.' He surrendered his life to Christ, which ignited a passion for evangelism. During his senior year, Abraham boldly shared the Gospel with his classmates, teachers, and even janitors. Starting with a small Bible study group, his efforts led to 895 students accepting Christ by the end of the school year. Abraham’s journey from a backslidden pothead to a fervent evangelist demonstrates the transformative power of God’s grace and the impact of one obedient heart.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 15 August 2024 22:13

Encounters with Jesus in Paris

During the Olympic Games, countless lives were transformed not just by athletic achievements but by encounters with Jesus Christ. Over 2,500 missionaries from various organisations mobilised across the city, leading over a thousand people to faith. YWAM saw 250 commitments to Christ and ministered to over 3,500 people, witnessing numerous miraculous healings. Similarly, Awakening Europe’s 'Unite Paris24' saw 152 conversions, including the remarkable healing of a man with a bullet wound. The efforts extended beyond Paris, with groups like 'Next Move' focusing on southern France, strengthening local Christian community efforts through sports and festivals. Thousands of Bibles and tracts were distributed across the country. Other initiatives included the Paris Praise Festival and Christian art galleries, offering solace and sparking spiritual conversations among visitors. The Olympic Village chaplaincy, where thirty Protestant chaplains served, provided support and a spiritual haven for athletes, many of whom shared their faith after their competitions. Throughout the Games, 24/7 prayer efforts underscored the spiritual impact, with IPC's global prayer networks gifting 835,000 prayers for France to date. See

Published in Praise Reports

US track star Noah Lyles is praising God after winning the men's 100-metre final in the Olympics. Lyles, 27, who beat Jamaica's Kishane Thompson by 5 milliseconds, expressed gratitude to God both before and after the race. He said, 'I had to find my own journey with God, and a lot of that came through track because there were times when I doubted myself. I said, “God, if you really want me to do this, give me a sign.” He did, and I said, 'I'll never doubt You again.'’' Lyles has faced significant life challenges, including asthma, allergies, dyslexia, ADD, anxiety, and depression. He emphasised that these conditions do not define one's potential. Lyles' mother, Keisha Caine Bishop, expressed her overwhelming excitement at her son's achievement.

Published in Praise Reports