Displaying items by tag: Religion

Friday, 09 August 2019 13:19

India: Unrest

Jammu and Kashmir (JK) is in militarised Kashmir, an Indian region dividing India and Pakistan. On 5 August Indian authorities revoked JK’s special status that had allowed them to make their own laws, and anticipating resistance they imposed an unprecedented clampdown - shutting down the internet, media and mobile phones, barring movement and jailing Kashmiri leaders. They argued that JK’s ‘special status’ hindered integration by their Muslim majority population with the rest of Hindu India. The disputed region has had two wars fought over it by India, Pakistan and China. Narendra Modi reached out to people of JK, in the five languages spoken there, trying to instil peace on the troubled streets of a new Kashmir; which has been stripped of its constitution, flag, and hereditary rights. A historical powder keg has been ignited. The US asked Pakistan to refrain from ‘retaliatory aggression’ as airspace corridors were closed and bilateral trade suspended. China’s foreign ministry voiced ‘serious concern’ over India’s contentious move over an area claimed by both countries. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 09 August 2019 13:12

Salvation Army and TV soap

The Salvation Army assisted the writers of ITV's Coronation Street in making the story of Alina, a victim of modern slavery, realistic and sensitive. The storyline aims to help the British public spot the signs of a potential victim while it highlights the practice of human trafficking in the UK. The Salvation Army has held the UK government contract to support adult victims of modern slavery in England and Wales since 2011. As experts in the field of human exploitation, it has helped the show to display accurately how victims might find themselves in these situations and the realities facing them. The Salvation Army said that Coronation Street is very good at taking up issues that people are living through. This is one of those issues that is relevant and happening in our society.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 09 August 2019 13:11

Missionaries in London

London City Mission said they love London and are privileged to be working among the rich mixture of ages, cultures and languages sharing the good news of Jesus and the love of God with Londoners. The realities and needs of London are - 34% of people are born outside the UK. 112 homeless people died in 2017. 51% of children live in households below 'Minimum Income Standard’. Across the UK most church outreach events are based around friendship evangelism, so if people have Christian friends they are more likely to have opportunities to hear the gospel than those without Christian friends. People recently arrived in the UK from a country that is closed to the gospel or those with few educational qualifications are much less likely ever to set foot inside a church or even the home of a believer.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 09 August 2019 13:10

Men without bars

Ralph Findlay was moved by God to offer a lifeline to some of the UK’s most vulnerable men and created the Christian charity called ‘BLAST Foundation’ to offer inmates and ex-offenders vital training and support, to help free them from the vicious cycles that can result in a lifetime behind bars. As BLAST nears its tenth birthday, a milestone has been marked by a growing awareness of the insufficient assistance available to former prisoners, as well as much-welcomed success stories of lives turned around. They are slashing reoffending rates by building relationships in prison, out through the prison gate and on into the community. Pray for more Christians to support the rehabilitation of prisoners through prayer, volunteering, mentoring and giving.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 09 August 2019 13:09

Church accused of making an 'unholy racket'

Christ Apostolic Church in Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent's monthly late-night worship meetings start at 11pm and finish in the early hours. Their worship on 2 August finished at 4am the next day. Residents, in their pyjamas, went to the church in the middle of the night to object to 'unacceptable' noise levels but their pleas were ignored. One resident said, ‘It woke up half of Hamil Road and could be heard at Stanfield. A lot of people couldn't get back to sleep, especially the elderly. A couple of us went over to ask if they could please lower the music and close the door and the reply was 'no, we have a licence so we will carry on. At 6:25 am the last person left the building. I have no problem with religion but there is a time and place to worship. I'm sure God would not want us to go without sleep.’ Pastor Amos Nuga said he was aware of complaints and would cooperate with the council.

Published in British Isles

Up and down the country there are Christian festivals and conferences over the summer holiday season tailor-made for families, youth, bible study and worship in a variety of uplifting styles; all are united in the belief and declaration that Jesus Christ is Lord. We can pray for the army of volunteer helpers to have an abundance of energy as they serve their brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray for the worship groups to be powerfully anointed, entering the throne room of heaven and taking thousands with them, all worshipping in spirit and truth with fresh expressions of adoration and declaration. Pray for God to protect and inspire the teachers as they share what God has been showing them in their preparations for the event. May all those travelling to and from venues have safe journeys and be powerfully blessed and refreshed while there. The ‘More’ link mentions a few of the many dozens of festivals and conferences.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:50

High Court case over Christian assemblies

Supported by Humanists UK, atheist parents Lee and Lizanne Harris want a judicial review by the High Court into ‘harmful and divisive’ Christian messages taught in Burford Primary School assemblies. They say their children's human rights are breached because the school isn't offering any alternatives when the children are removed from assemblies. The children go into a separate room with a teaching assistant and an iPad. The school is not a faith school, and the parents enrolled their children there believing it would have no religious character. They said, ‘Our children shouldn't have to participate in Christian prayers, or watch biblical scenes such as the crucifixion being acted out, nor should they hear evangelical preachers spouting harmful and divisive messages.’ Humanists UK want an overhaul of the laws surrounding school assemblies. Currently schools must have a daily act of broadly Christian worship.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:47

Building plans threaten nuns

A community of Benedictine nuns is under threat. Developers are seeking permission for a housing estate of 65 homes next to their secluded ancient abbey, where they live simply, with an emphasis on silent and isolated worship. The community provides residential retreats and heritage open days for schools in the historic park and gardens. The nuns are being asked to tolerate an enormous building site alongside the abbey building with its historic park and garden. Revd David Green said the order of around 10 to 15 nuns, whose ages range from 35 to 95, required a quiet environment for worship: ‘The side of the abbey grounds nearest the development houses the nuns’ personal accommodation, cloisters, chapel and burial ground.’ Pray for the public inquiry starting on 20 August to have empathy with the abbey and community.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:33

UK invited to pray for the Hajj

Jesus has all authority and power to forgive sins through his sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection for those who receive Him by faith. However Muslims reject this mercy and look for forgiveness and an allegiance to Allah by doing a Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. Muhammad said, ‘Whoever performs Hajj for the sake of Allah and does not utter any obscene speech or do any evil deed will go back (free of sin) as his mother bore him.’ All Muslims must perform the Hajj at least once in their lifetime if they are able; it is one of the five pillars of their faith. On 18 August, three million Muslims from all over the world will flock to Mecca to perform sacred acts and follow the steps of Muhammad, for three days. You are invited to join Christians globally to pray for the millions taking this spiritual journey.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:33

Children excluded for opposing LGBT lessons

Ten-year-old Kasey, a Pentecostal Christian, is speaking out against the growing LGBT agenda in her classroom. As parents nationally protest against LGBT school lessons, the Christian Legal Centre is supporting courageous Kasey and her mother, who are taking a stand against a school seeking to eradicate any opposition to its LGBT agenda. Kasey and her Catholic friend, Farrell, were explaining in the lesson how gay people would be 'punished' for their sexuality in some countries, but their point was misunderstood and the school suspended them for five days for being homophobic. Kasey said, 'I only learned what homophobic means the other day. I'm not homophobic, I'm just against the school traching LGBT topics to children.' Kasey's mother said, 'The school is failing to recognise our Christian beliefs and is persecuting us for wanting to maintain our Bible principles.' The Christian Legal Centre said the situation reflects the sexual agenda imposed on innocent children.

Published in British Isles