Displaying items by tag: Religion

Friday, 23 March 2018 12:48

Kazakhstan: church prosecutions

All exercise of the right to freedom of religion or belief without state permission is banned in Kazakhstan, in defiance of the country's international human rights commitments. There is a growing trend of banning religious communities on various grounds. For example, on 16 March a court in South Kazakhstan fined and banned for a month a Protestant church for having three not five fire detectors in a property used only for storage. The fire inspector refused to explain why the order to install the extra fire detectors was not put in writing, or why the church was punished despite having installed those extra detectors within the specified one month. Also, at the same church, police arrested a woman for ‘missionary activity’ after she helped someone download a Bible onto her phone. Religious communities face raids and fines as parliament's lower house prepares the final text of a wide-ranging set of amendments to make the exercise of religion or belief more difficult. See also https://www.crisisgroup.org/europe-central-asia/central-asia/kyrgyzstan/kyrgyzstan-state-fragility-and-radicalisation

Published in Europe
Friday, 23 March 2018 12:47

Gay clergyman loses discrimination appeal

On 22 March the gay clergyman Canon Jeremy Pemberton lost his appeal against the Church of England after he claimed its attitude to same-sex marriage breached equality laws. The Court of Appeal upheld a previous ruling that he was not discriminated against when he was barred from becoming a hospital chaplain after marrying his partner. The CofE has now established that it can continue to discriminate legally against some LGBT people in relation to their employment, even when that employment is not within the boundaries of the Church's jurisdiction.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 March 2018 12:39

Powerful words on sex abuse by priests

The Archbishop of Canterbury, speaking to an independent enquiry, has warned that child sex abuse by priests will 'destroy the Church' if it continues, adding the Church of England's current safeguarding powers to protect children 'probably needs re-looking at'. In cutting terms Welby warned that those who didn’t protect children would 'answer on the day of judgement'. 'That probably doesn't mean much to some people here’, he said. 'But I think about that every day. Those who do children harm would do better to have a millstone put around their neck and be thrown into the sea rather than face the judgement that God will give them. The reputation of the church, the reputation of a person, the reputation of an institution, is as nothing compared to the call to obey God in Jesus Christ in the way we love and care for people. Everything that goes against that will, in the end, destroy the Church.'

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 March 2018 12:38

Christianity as default gone

Europe’s march towards a post-Christian society has been starkly illustrated by research showing that a majority of young people in a dozen countries are not following any religion. A survey of 16- to 29 year-olds found that in the UK only 7% identify as Anglican and 10% as Catholic. Young Muslims, at 6% and rising, are on the brink of overtaking those who consider themselves part of the country’s established church. The UK figures were partly explained by high immigration - one in five Catholics in the UK was not born in the UK, neither were most of the Muslims. The figures were in a report, Europe’s Young Adults and Religion, by a professor of theology who said, ‘The new default setting for faith in the UK is no religion, and the few who are Christians see themselves as swimming against the tide.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 March 2018 12:36

Ireland: Pope’s visit

It has been confirmed that 81-year-old Pope Francis will visit Dublin on Saturday 25 August to take part in the Festival of Families, a faith-based cultural concert in Croke Park, and celebrate Mass in Phoenix Park the following day. Bearing in mind the current contemporary challenges that face families in both Ireland and elsewhere, the Catholic bishops said, ‘We are deeply honoured that Pope Francis will come to our country to participate in this universal church celebration of faith and joy’, adding that they look forward to hearing apostolic guidance.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 16 March 2018 10:16

Guatemala: prayer prompts embassy move

President Morales has announced that the Guatemalan embassy will be moved to Jerusalem in May, just two days after the United States. The president, an outspoken Christian Evangelical, has been publicly supportive of Israel since the beginning of his mandate. After receiving an award recently he said, ‘From the bottom of my heart, I tell you, I don’t feel I deserve this. I’m just trying to do the right thing and allow my God, my people, and history to judge me.’ Vice president Jafeth Cabrera said his country is fulfilling biblical prophecy: ‘Yes, we do share the idea that prophecy is coming to pass. We are pleased that Guatemala is contributing to having that happen, and we hope it will soon be a reality.’ The vice president also said the decision could not have happened without prayer.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 16 March 2018 10:01

Protect Christian belief in schools

In a recent speech, Ofsted claimed that extremists are using religion to pervert education and indoctrinate young people. Singling out the Christian Institute, which was wrongly labelled Anglican, it condemned ideological indoctrination by Christian extremists, and said that schools have a responsibility to ‘tackle those who actively undermine fundamental British values or equalities law’. However, under the Equality Act 2010, religion is listed as a protected characteristic, alongside such things as sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy, age, and race. Ofsted’s apparent prioritisation of LGBT rights over other protected characteristics not only denies this but, by extension, seeks to alter or oppose the law. An Ofsted spokesperson said, ‘We must tackle those who actively undermine fundamental British values or equalities law.’ Ofsted appears to believe that expressing religious belief is not endorsing British values. Pray for parents to continue to have their children educated in line with their own religious and / or philosophical beliefs.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 March 2018 09:59

Mary Magdalene film

The Mary Magdalene film - released in the UK on 16 March - is a biblical film depicting of one of ‘the most misunderstood spiritual figures in history’. Many believe it is a potential awards contender, with the majority of praise being reserved for Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of Jesus Christ. This film presents Mary Magdalene as a young woman who leaves her fishing village on the shore of the Sea of Galilee to join Jesus, who teaches forgiveness and love in his mission to bring about the Kingdom of God. With the disciples she follows Jesus to Jerusalem, where he cleanses the Temple of money lenders, declaring that the Kingdom of God is not to be bought and sold. Fearing that Jesus’s actions will incite a popular insurrection, the authorities arrest and crucify him. Mary goes to the tomb on the third day and sees the risen Christ.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 March 2018 09:55

Royal visit to Israel

Prince William’s visit to Israel will be an historic and extremely important event for the UK, as he will be the first member of the British royal family to visit Israel in an official capacity. It will take place this summer as Israel celebrates 70 years since independence and as America recognises Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The royal visit signals a significant change of policy at the Foreign Office (which advises about official visits). The Queen has visited 129 different countries, including many of Israel’s neighbours, but never Israel. This royal visit is seen as Britain’s most significant action regarding Israel since Balfour. In the past a few royals have visited Israel, but only on a private basis, never officially.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 March 2018 09:24

Iran: Christian centre closed

A Christian retreat centre west of Tehran was closed on 10 March. It was accused of being funded by the US through the CIA to infiltrate the Islamic world, and particularly Iran, by conducting evangelistic activities. The caretakers of the Sharon Retreat Centre handed it over to an organisation presided over by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The property has been owned by the Council of Assemblies of God Churches since the early 1970s. The Iranian revolutionary court system which closed the centre is designed to try those suspected of trying to overthrow the government, blaspheming Islam, or inciting violence. The closure was not only a takeover of a property by corrupt judiciary and Intelligence officials, but yet another move in an ongoing and systematic campaign by the Iranian state to uproot Protestant Christianity.

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