Displaying items by tag: United Kingdom

Thursday, 12 November 2020 21:23

Huge rise in harmed or killed babies

Ofsted's chief inspector revealed there was an alarming 20% rise in babies being killed or harmed during the first lockdown. Out of 64 babies which were deliberately harmed in England, eight died. Some 40% of the 300 incidents reported involved infants, up by a fifth on 2019. The ‘toxic mix’ of isolation, poverty and mental illness caused the March to October spike. Health staff and social workers were hampered by Covid restrictions. Many regular visits could not take place; others were carried out by telephone or video links. When schools closed in March, children's charities and teachers expressed fears that children at risk would be left even more vulnerable under lockdown. This was one reason why schools stayed open for vulnerable children, but babies can't tell an adult if there's a problem. Often, abuse is only uncovered when there's a critical injury, or it's too late - another young life damaged or lost.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 November 2020 21:21

Change in mood at No 10

Most people haven’t heard of Lee Cain but the resignation of the prime minister's top aide raises the question of whether it heralds a changing of the guard and a new Johnson era, now that Brexit is almost done. Mr Cain is part of the Vote Leave team that has dominated the PM’s first 18 months in office. He and Dominic Cummings have shaped his premiership more closely than anyone else, with an iron grip on the operation of No 10. But during that time, relations have soured between Downing Street and many ministers, as well as many Conservative MPs concerned about the leaks, the U-turns and the way things are run. Pray for the Holy Spirit to make a clean sweep through parliament, replacing ‘power struggles’ with harmony and positive influence based on facts. Pray for a new era in which government ministers practise peaceful relationships where there has been tension.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 November 2020 21:18

Christmas travel plans for students

Revd Naomi Nixon, CEO of the Student Christian Movement, has criticised the Government's plans to get English university students home before Christmas. This was in reaction to a travel window, between 3 and 9 December, for students to go home in evacuation-styled staggered time slots. In-person teaching is also due to end. She said the procedure is brutal and confusing; treating students differently from everyone else in society. What if students have exams after the cut-off date, or live off-campus? Are students living in regular housing and streets to be treated differently from other people living in that street travelling at Christmas? Will students who have expensive train or plane tickets falling outside the travel window be refunded? There will be students isolating after a positive test, and students who have left foster care and are now 18 with nowhere to go.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 November 2020 21:14

Brexit border concerns


The ‘Haulier Handbook’ (to prevent Brexit border meltdown) is a guide to the mountain of new red tape required to transport goods across borders. It was promised in early September but will now not be fully available until 7 December, three weeks before it is needed. Logistics UK, representing freight groups, warned that time is running out to prevent ‘lorry queues at Dover and empty shelves in Northern Ireland’ when the transition period ends in 50 days’ time. ‘With the economy still reeling from handling the impact of Covid-19, the last thing UK plc needs is another major shock of our own making,’ said the Logistics director of policy. Construction of border inspection posts for checks on animal products crossing the Irish Sea has not yet started, and will take up to six months to complete.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 November 2020 21:07

Second wave will be more gruelling

UK doctors have been warned the second coronavirus wave will be ‘gruelling professionally and personally’ with increased pressure throughout the winter. NHS chiefs and all four British medical officers have written to medics urging them to brace for a ‘prolonged’ Covid-19 outbreak over the coming weeks or even months. Healthcare professionals will have to be flexible, which ‘may entail working in unfamiliar circumstances or surroundings, or working in clinical areas outside of their usual practice.’ Their warning comes as Boris Johnson’s official spokesman told a Westminster briefing that England’s lockdown will not be extended. He insisted, ‘When the current national measures come to an end on 2 December, we will be returning to a regional tiered approach.’ Pray for rapid tests to speed up a return to normal life. Pray for God to inspire peace and remove the fear caused by continual negative media updates. Also, pray for the encouragement caused by news of the Pfizer vaccine to become reality.

Published in British Isles

The inquiry into gambling laws promised in the election manifesto should have begun this month. But the culture and media department now says it is ‘not imminent’. The UK betting industry has seen revenues surge to £14.5billion a year because of lax regulations and more gambling on smartphones. Not getting this review under way now will be a matter of life and death for hundreds of families. Two gambling addicts take their own life every day, with many more left bankrupt. One in ten children admit gambling with their own money. The Government is under pressure to curb advertising, prevent punters spending thousands online, and help the 55,000 children suffering from addiction. Richard Holden, a Tory member of a Commons committee which has investigated gambling, said, ‘The fact that the most senior civil servant in the culture department now seems to be backing away from getting the gambling review started is very worrying.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 November 2020 20:59

Church pastor deception

Mariam Mbula is currently senior pastor with Salvation Proclaimers Anointed Church (SPAC Nation). Its leaders, including Mariam, encourage young congregants to take out loans and give huge sums to the church. The church was founded by Tobi Adegboyega, who is worth 2.5million and drives a £150,000 Rolls-Royce - number plate PA5TOR. An investigation is under way into fraud allegations and offences relating to individuals associated with SPAC. The church denies financially exploiting young people, saying it has a ‘robust complaints procedure’ and ‘well-run disciplinary system’ and ‘is not responsible for what goes on inside individual leaders' or members' houses’. It attracts large numbers of BAME and helps them leave a life of gangs, drugs and knife crime. For a documentary, see For background, see

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 November 2020 20:57

Post-Brexit trade talks to continue

Negotiations for a post-Brexit trade deal between the UK and EU are expected to continue next week as the deadline draws nearer. The two sides resumed talks in London this week, with a UK government source saying they were in the ‘final stage’. But big gaps still remain, and the UK described the EU’s position on fishing access as ‘wholly unrealistic’. Boris Johnson is prepared to move forward without a deal. If nothing is agreed, the UK will trade with the bloc on World Trade Organisation rules - leading to tariffs on many imports and exports, which could push up costs for businesses and consumers. Both sides say they want to avoid this outcome, but the EU will not do a deal ‘at any price’. Mr Johnson said the UK will prosper either way.

Published in Europe

We would like to invite our readers to unite in a UK Day of Prayer for our communities and for significant breakthrough this Friday.

The Evangelical Alliance (EA) has called a UK Day of Prayer for Friday 13th November. They are working with networks, denominations and churches to bring people together to pray.

As communities across the UK face a second wave of the Covid-19 virus, further restrictions and lockdowns; as many churches are forced to stop their in-person gatherings; and suffering and loss affect so many families, we hear the call again to unite and seek God together in this time of trouble.

Regardless of lockdowns, we have the great privilege and freedom to be able to call upon the Lord, wherever we are.

Churches and Christians across the UK are being encouraged to come together, in one Spirit, to call on the One who saves – to bring light in dark places, to be the hope to the nations, to bring healing to our lands.

Please join us as we pray for all in leadership at this time, making decisions about the containment of the virus, for those working in health and social care, those working on a vaccine, those most at risk, and those suffering hardship and distress.

Let’s also be thankful for the vaccine breakthrough that has just been announced and for the many positive stories of communities reaching out to assist their neighbours in need.

Resources: The Evangelical Alliance has provided suggestions to help us cry to the Lord in one voice, ‘Hear our prayer and heal our Land’.

Watch the video More at

Published in British Isles
Friday, 06 November 2020 00:30

Captain Tom encourages fundraising for lonely

Captain Sir Tom Moore raised £33m for the NHS by walking 100 laps of his Bedfordshire garden before his 100th birthday. Now in the second lockdown, he has launched a new campaign to get people walking to help support those who feel ‘lonely and frightened’ during the lockdown. His daughter Hannah Ingram-Moore said the family had been ‘given an incredible gift of a voice and platform to do powerfully positive things’. Sir Tom said, ‘We are in a difficult situation, but we'll get through it if we all join together.’ The challenge encourages people to log their walking on social media using the hashtag #WalkWithTom over the next week. He hopes to raise money for his foundation, which aims to combat loneliness and support those facing bereavement. Pray that this initiative will raise not only money but also public awareness of lockdown loneliness that leads to ill health. See also the next article, on mental health challenges.

Published in British Isles