Displaying items by tag: United Kingdom

Thursday, 23 January 2020 22:18

Bishop reaches out to Harry and Meghan

American bishop Michael Curry, who delivered a memorable sermon on the 'power of love' at Harry and Meghan's wedding in 2018, has reached out to the couple after they announced they will no longer be working members of the royal family as of spring this year. The head of the Episcopal Church is offering ‘pastoral care’ to the couple ‘as they forge lives across the pond’, according to The Sunday Times. Bishop Michael’s sermon included these words: ‘We must discover the power of love, the redemptive power of love and when we discover that, we will be able to make of this old world a new world, for love is the only way. When love is the way, we actually treat each other well, like we are actually family.’ Prophetic sentiments now, as the couple step away from royal life.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 23 January 2020 22:13

UK screening for coronavirus outbreak

A new virus is mutating and spreading, having already produced over 500 confirmed cases in China. Britain is monitoring flights arriving from China, with a ‘separate area’ being set up at Heathrow to screen travellers arriving from affected regions amid fears of a pandemic. Pray for UK and global public health officials to stay ahead of the issue as they watch its progress. The Chinese lunar New Year is on 25 January, so currently millions of Chinese people are preparing to travel domestically and abroad for the celebrations. See also the China article in world section.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 23 January 2020 22:08

UK’s fight against online extremism

A report by the Henry Jackson Society (HJS) suggests that ministers’ failure to ban far-right extremist groups is undermining the fight against online propaganda. Sharing the material of National Action and its spin-off terrorist groups is a terror offence punishable by up to 15 years’ imprisonment, whereas hate-filled propaganda from other groups carries far lower sentences. HJS warned that posts by non-prohibited groups may not be properly monitored or taken down by social media companies who rely on government lists of terror organisations when deciding what to remove. Islamists are jailed three times longer than some far-right extremists for online offences. HJS said, ‘The government needs to keep this situation under review in a fast-moving online world, where offending causes real and significant harm.’ Social media companies have become increasingly adept at spotting jihadi symbols and language, but progressed more slowly with the diverse range of indicators used by the far-right.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 23 January 2020 22:04

Children’s consent to transgender treatment

Susan Evans, a former psychiatric nurse, has launched a case in the High Court claiming that many children receiving gender reassignment treatment have been misdiagnosed; they are actually autistic, homosexual, or suffering from some form of diagnosable but non-related mental illness, including trauma resulting from sexual abuse. She is calling for an end to experimental and invasive medical treatment, with long-term and currently unknown consequences, arguing that children cannot possibly give informed consent to such life-changing and potentially hazardous treatments, and must be protected from exploitation and abuse. Meanwhile transgender children’s charities have criticised the case, saying that children should not be denied the right to make decisions about their own bodies, simply because they are trans. Mrs Evans argues, ‘Providing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to under 18s is illegal because children cannot give valid consent to the treatment’.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 23 January 2020 22:01

Watch and pray on 31 January

Many have been praying, and will continue to pray for Brexit in the lead up to 31 January. The following is an invitation from the World Prayer Centre in Birmingham: ‘You are invited to watch and pray. This is a day for those called to be watchmen for our nation and the nations. It will be a time to watch, listen, worship and pray. We will be focusing on praying for Brexit as we may be leaving the EU on 31 January - deal or no deal. We will also pray for other national and global issues that God reveals to us. Refreshments are provided, but bring a packed lunch. There are many shops and cafes nearby.’ For more details, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 23 January 2020 21:57

Christian parents sue, following daughter's death

The family of church-going teenager with special needs, Nora Quoirin, who was found dead after she disappeared from a Malaysian resort near Kuala Lumpur last August, is suing the hotel's owner for alleged negligence. Nora went missing from the room she shared with her siblings. Her body was found by a stream over a mile away from her accommodation, after a ten-day search around the resort. A preliminary post-mortem revealed starvation and stress had caused fatal intestinal bleeding. Authorities ruled out abduction or rape as a motive, but her parents raised concerns over the handling of the inquiry and are requesting a public inquest to determine the events that led to her death. They strongly believe that Nora's disabilities made it unlikely that she wandered off on her own. A window was ajar, with its latch broken, on the morning she disappeared. The resort's main gate was left open without security or camera surveillance. 

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 January 2020 21:18

Night rider: 21 years sleeping on a London bus

After his asylum application was rejected 21 years ago, Sunny began sleeping on London buses. His travel card holder quotes Jesus, ‘Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you.’ He talks about his younger self, years ago, kneeling in prayer in a Nigerian prison, waiting to be executed. His offence - struggling for democracy. A guard lifts him to his feet and rushes him down corridors, out into blinding sunlight, where a car is waiting. Family and friends had bought his freedom and his flight to London. He took a course in documentary-making years ago, reporting on the lives of London's homeless, never imagining he would soon be in their shoes. Now a church minister buys him a monthly pass for bus fares and he volunteers at churches. He reads in the reference library, and is fed by generous restaurant managers at the end of the day.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 January 2020 21:14

Pray for the countryside

Bovine tuberculosis continues to devastate many herds of cattle, prompting deep divisions between different stakeholders as to the role of wildlife in spreading the disease. In the UK, in the 12 months up to September 2019, nearly 5.5% of registered herds were affected and 45,831 cattle were slaughtered, a 4.5% increase on the previous year. Pray for all affected, for government to be given wisdom in implementing effective control strategies and providing fair compensation, for reconciliation of different interest groups, and for ‘healing of the land’ (2 Chronicles 7:13-14). Also, in several issues last year we drew attention to the way the relative tranquility of Britain’s green and pleasant land, which is so appreciated by many townspeople, is being darkened by increasing crime, including domestic abuse, farm thefts and drug-dealing. Continue to pray for believers to shine as lights in the darkness. (Philippians 2:15)

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 January 2020 21:11

Prayer for the royal family

Lord, we thank You for the life of Queen Elizabeth II, and celebrate her heart for You and her people, the wisdom, righteousness and integrity reflected in her life, and the respect she carries within this land. We decree that every change taking place at present will strengthen and support the monarchy, promoting and releasing a shift and moving forward in keeping with Your times and purposes. In this season of transition, we speak divine order into every aspect of the royal family. We release Your light into every place of confusion and misunderstanding, that wounds will be healed, relationships restored and solutions released. We speak life into every God-given purpose and call upon Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex, that every gift and skill will be used in alignment with God-given destiny. We agree that the power of Kingdom purpose will overwhelm any plans of the enemy.

(Suzanne Ferrett)

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 January 2020 21:08

Scotland: FA may ban children heading footballs

A ban on children heading the football in Scotland could be implemented due to fears over links between football and dementia. The Scottish FA wants to lead the way on the issue after a report found former players are more at risk of dying from the disease. An announcement on banning under-12s heading footballs in training is expected this month. A similar ban is in place in the USA. Scotland would become the first European country to impose such a restriction. Discussions have been ongoing since an October study found the first links between former players and degenerative brain disease. Although former players are three-and-a-half times more likely to die of dementia, there is no firm evidence linking heading the ball to the disease. A neurosurgeon said that England striker Jeff Astle died from a brain condition normally linked to boxers rather than Alzheimer's disease.

Published in British Isles