Displaying items by tag: United Nations

Thursday, 15 August 2019 21:54

Kazakhstan: officials harass churches

Officials are harassing founders of religious communities, possibly trying to block applications to exist. In May police began harassing Oskemen's New Life Protestant Church as it sought re-registration after changing its name. Officers visited parishioners late at night, threatening one woman in her late 70s. People who give their names as founders of religious organisations applying for legal status continue to face harassment and intrusive questioning. Against international law, Kazakhstan bans all exercise of freedom of religion and belief without state permission. The UN Human Rights Committee states, ‘No one can be compelled to reveal his thoughts or adherence to a religion or belief.’ A church member said, ‘At present the founders do not think that their rights are being protected by the law or its representatives. We are being subjected to pressure, which cannot help but arouse concern about the right to freedom of conscience in Kazakhstan.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:22

UN condemns 'international indifference' to Syria

The UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet says that those responsible for airstrikes targeting Syrian civilians could be charged with war crimes, calling it ‘a failure of leadership by the world's most powerful nations’. Since late April 400,000 have been displaced and over 730 civilians killed by Syrian and Russian attacks on militant-held Idlib where three million still live. The airstrikes on schools, hospitals, markets and bakeries killed over 103 civilians in just ten days, including 26 schoolchildren killed in their classroom seats. Ms Bachelet added, ‘These are civilian objects, and it seems highly unlikely, given the persistent pattern of such attacks, that they are all being hit by accident. There is an international indifference to the rising civilian death toll caused by a succession of airstrikes.` Both the Syrians and Russians deny targeting civilians or civilian infrastructure.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 07 February 2019 23:46

Brazil: UN calls for dam investigation

UN human rights experts have called for prompt, thorough and impartial investigations into the recent collapse of a dam in Brazil, the second such incident involving the same company in three years. Dozens have been killed and hundreds left missing in a disaster involving Vale Mining. The experts said, ‘The tragedy demands accountability, and calls into question preventative measures taken after the Samarco mining disaster just over three years ago, when a catastrophic flood of mining waste killed 19 people and affected the lives of millions, including indigenous communities. We urge Brazil’s government to act decisively on its commitment to do everything in its power to prevent more such tragedies and to bring to justice those responsible for this disaster.’ They also had concerns around deregulatory efforts on environmental and social protection in Brazil over the recent years.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 December 2018 10:58

Canada: forced sterilisation of indigenous women

In 2017 two indigenous women alleged that they were coerced into undergoing sterilisation at a Saskatchewan hospital. More than sixty women have now joined them in a pending class action lawsuit, seeking compensation for the violation of their rights, supported by Amnesty International (see). The legal challenge centres on whether proper and informed consent was obtained before the women were sterilised. One woman said she explicitly refused to have her fallopian tubes tied when staff suggested the procedure after the birth of her son. On 7 December the UN officially called on Canada to ‘ensure that all allegations of forced or coerced sterilisation are impartially investigated, and the persons responsible held accountable with adequate redress for the victims’. Pray for policies and accountability mechanisms across all provinces to ensure there are clear regulations around free will, and informed consent.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 06 December 2018 23:53

Poland: climate change conference

Participants at the UN climate talks in Poland have discussed how they will keep promises made in 2015 to reduce their climate footprint by 2020. Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide and methane emissions increase, trapping solar energy. As more gases enter the atmosphere, earth’s temperature rises rise; changing the timing and length of seasons and the amount and frequency of rainfall - rising sea levels, flooding, droughts and a range of ecosystem changes affecting life on earth. Two years ago, research found (see) that widespread adoption of vegetarian diets would cut food-related emissions by 63%. There are 3.6 billion sheep, cattle, goats and buffalo on the planet, 50% more than fifty years ago. Methane from their digestive systems is the single biggest human-related source of greenhouse gas. This is a great concern to the livestock industry worldwide. See also

Published in Europe
Thursday, 11 October 2018 23:34

New UN report on climate change

Following the remarks to the UN about climate change by Dominica’s foreign minister (see https://www.prayer-alert.net/worldwide-pa-site/item/11038-un-assembly-climate-change-a-global-responsibility), on 7 October a UN intergovernmental panel added to that warning by stating that preventing an extra single degree of heat could make a life-or-death difference in the next few decades for multitudes of people and ecosystems on this fast-warming planet. It detailed how weather, health and ecosystems would be in better shape if the world’s leaders limited future human-caused warming to half a degree, instead of the Paris-agreed goal of 1 degree. Meeting the more ambitious goal requires immediate cuts in emissions of heat-trapping gases and dramatic changes in the energy field. The panel said it is technically possible, but saw little chance of the needed adjustments being made by every nation. See also the article ‘Bishop challenges Government on climate change’ in the UK section.

Published in Worldwide

The foreign minister of Dominica, Francine Baron, addressing the UN General Assembly on climate change, stressed that it is a global responsibility. Ms Baron noted that the global community has neither implemented plans for the 2015 Paris commitments nor mobilised the agreed $100 billion annually to assist the most vulnerable against harmful climate change effects. ‘While we have failed to live up to these commitments, Arctic ice shelves continue to melt at an alarming rate, oceans continue to get warmer, hurricanes and storms continue to develop and threaten our countries, drought becomes more severe, and flooding more pronounced.’ Last year Hurricane Maria brought Dominica to its knees. Immediately afterwards, ‘our people raised their battered and wounded selves, and began the daunting task of search and rescue, clearing roadways and moved into rebuilding mode.’ The cost of rebuilding a nation is far more than a small country like Dominica can meet single-handedly.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 August 2018 21:50

Myanmar: human rights crisis

Oscar-winning actor Cate Blanchett described to the UN security council meeting in New York 'gut-wrenching' accounts from Myanmar of Rohingya people being tortured, raped and killed in front of their relatives. 'How can any mother endure seeing her child thrown into a fire?' she said. The UNHCR goodwill ambassador also praised Bangladesh for taking in more than 700,000 refugees, calling it 'one of the most visible and significant gestures of humanity of our time'. UN secretary general António Guterres has called for those behind the Rohingya crisis to be held accountable, urging the council to act on what has become 'one of the world’s worst humanitarian and human rights crises'. However Aung San Suu Kyi probably won't be stripped of her Nobel peace prize, despite revelations around the Rohingya crisis. The UN report said that Myanmar’s military carried out mass killings of Muslim Rohingya. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 12 July 2018 21:50

UN agency risks climate goals

Transparency International has highlighted several flaws that could hinder the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO’s) ability to deliver on its own climate goals in reducing carbon emissions. The report outlines several key policy issues and recommendations that the IMO, the United Nation’s leading shipping agency, must address in order to meet international standards for transparency, accountability, and integrity. These changes are essential if the IMO is going to honour its environmental and climate mandates and reach a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of at least 50% by 2050. The IMO’s accountability policies are currently hindering policymaking and leaving the agency susceptible to private influence. While the IMO’s initial strategy adopted in April is a big step forward for the international shipping sector, more must be done to ensure the agency meets its targets. If left unchecked, shipping emissions could grow from 2.5% to 17%.

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 28 March 2018 14:21

Prayer Testimonies from the United Nations

In 2207, 2009 and 2013, it was both a great challenge and privilege of the IPC to arrange international prayer initiatives with hundreds of prayer leaders and intercessor children from around the world to pray with ambassadors of the U.N. The Lord graciously worked in answer to the prayers of many and here is an encouraging report of recent developments there, thanks be to God!

“A brief testimony about what God is doing at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. So often we watch and pray for years and do the things we believe God has asked us to do. Then, all of a sudden, it’s as if the prayers that have been stored up in the bowls of heaven are poured out, and doors open that no man can shut.

For more then 25 years, there have been weekly prayer gatherings at the United Nations sponsored by Christian staff members, plus a weekly service with worship and a guest speaker. There are also many other organizations that have specific outreaches to the Ambassadors and monthly Bible Studies, all working hard to bring the presence and word of God into this global community.

In the fall of 2017, several of us who have been praying at the United Nations were invited by Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church in San Diego, CA to come to San Diego for several days of prayer and conversation about a new ministry they wanted to launch to the United Nations. So we went and had the opportunity at the time to meet and pray with former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who had recently joined the Skyline Church staff as the Executive Director of “SkylineUN,” So, since early in January, several of us have been meeting weekly with her for a time of worship and prayer within the United Nations, asking God to open doors and visit this global community with an outpouring of His Spirit. So, fast-forward to March 2018.

The testimony I want to share is of what God did during the 62nd Commission on the Status of Women’s conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York City.  This year’s theme was “Empowering Rural Women and Girls.” Individuals from around the world attend this 2-week conference, and many of the Member States host side events to address issues affecting women and children around the world. We approached the Mission of Guatemala about hosting an event. Their response was that you have to apply for a conference room months in advance because the available spaces fill up quickly. But God….,! We asked just 2 weeks prior to the opening of the conference, and there was nothing available, so we just kept praying and then we heard on a Thursday afternoon that there was one room available on the following Tuesday. So, in just four days we had to get speakers, pick the theme, and make a flyer to get approved to go up on the UN’s Digital Messaging board.

When God opens a doo, He makes a way where there seems to be no way! We put together a panel of five amazing women, a multi-ethnic and multi-generational representation, with the theme, “Personal Stories of Women’s Journey’s in Leadership”. Honestly our expectation was that we would be happy if 25 people showed up for our event since our flyer went up on the messaging board the day before our event and most organization’s events had been advertised for weeks. So, we gathered early that morning before our event and prayed fervently that God would use the testimonies of each one’s journey and how instrumental God and Faith were in those journeys. God did not disappoint. He showed up in a big way. The room was packed with such a diverse group of young and old and many different nations represented, with standing room only!  Women in the audience had tears in their eyes, as each of our speakers shared how they found their identity through their faith. Not one person left, even when each one spoke of Jesus and how He brought them through trials and testing on their journeys! At the end of our session we had many attendees follow us out into the hall to ask questions and to speak to us. Many come up to thank us afterward for the event. We were blessed to pray with several women who are leading in their nations. One woman remarked, “I’ve never seen anything like this at the United Nations before!”

The Spirit of God was truly at work. We praise God for what He did and is doing at the United Nations!

  1. Please join us in praying for those who heard our session. We are praying the seeds that were planted during would take root in the hearts of all and that they would each come to know the love and saving grace of our Heavenly Father. 
  2. Praythat Guatemala will be able to reserve a conference room on a weekly basis so we can gather for Worship and the Word within the Secretariat.

Jody Wood,

New York City Intercessors

Pray: In addition, let us continue to pray for God’s working in the hearts of the ambassadors and staff at the U.N. that they will come to know the Lord of the Nations Himself, Jesus Christ. May they hunger to know Him and to become His vehicle for bringing peace and development to the poor and the suffering around our world. Satan would like the U.N. to serve his purpose as a preparer of the way for the Antichrist and the global oppressive control he will represent. Pray that instead God’s good and loving intentions will prevail as never before in that influential body of diplomats.

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