Displaying items by tag: Youth

Friday, 03 March 2017 10:09

South Africa: intercession momentum

From March to May intercessors will be praying for healing for the 'heart' of South Africa, focusing on reconciliation and deep-rooted pain and animosity harboured there. Since January, intercessors have prayed for the deep-seated emotions harboured against others, stemming from events in the past. In March many will continue to go to God with expectant hearts, asking Him to reveal any form of sin that affects others. Also, from 18 to 20 March, teens and youth leaders will unite in a dynamic programme of talks, worship, multi-media platforms, spiritual-encounter stations, workshops, discussions, counselling, fellowship and fun. The event is called #imagine and aims to see radical change by placing those who will lead in twenty years' time on the right spiritual path now. Three events,with the same content, will take place simultaneously in the Western Cape, Gauteng and the Eastern Cape. We can join the intercessors: see

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 20 January 2017 09:12

Monitoring Sunday schools?

An outcry by Christians over plans to register and inspect Sunday schools is forcing the Government to ‘tread carefully’ over the matter. A recent consultation of this matter received 18,000 responses. The Christian Institute, CARE, Christian Concern, Evangelical Alliance and Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship have been raising awareness about the proposals, and urged supporters to respond to the consultation when it was announced. The Government’s controversial plans were engineered by former education secretary Nicky Morgan in the wake of the Trojan Horse affair, and are part of a wider counter-extremism strategy. They propose giving Ofsted the legal power to investigate any setting in England that provides instruction to children for more than 6 to 8 hours in any week. This could include Sunday schools, youth groups, or one-off events such as holiday Bible clubs. They would also apply to a whole host of secular settings such as music lessons and drama groups.

Published in British Isles
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